CBD Oil is something that has numerous health benefits and it is considered to be the best natural medicine in the past couple of years. Unlike some of the modern pills that you can find in the pharmacies these days, CBD Oil is an extract that can be consumed without worrying about any unwanted side-effects.
For those of you who might be unfamiliar with this type of Oil, it comes from the Cannabis plant, or Marijuana if you prefer calling it like that, mainly from the CBD cannabinoid, one of the most popular cannabinoids in the plant, known for having tons of health benefits.
In the past few years, a lot of people got interested in buying these products, simply because they help with stress, anxiety, appetite loss, insomnia, depression, muscle soreness, chronic pain and tons of other things that we’re not going to list for the sake of everyone’s time.
People got so amazed at these products that they started wondering if they can help their pets feel better by letting them consume some of this mystic modern-day ambrosia, and that’s exactly what we’re here for.
If you ever wondered how your dog can consume CBD, and whether you should allow them to or not, you’ve come to the right place. Buckle up because we have a lot of things to talk about. Let’s take a look.

Should dogs consume oil?
If you know that your pet is currently facing any of the issues that CBD oil can prevent or heal, then there’s nothing more that you need to think about. Even if you or your pet are not struggling with any of the conditions that we mentioned above, consuming still has numerous health benefits that you should be interested in.
Believe it or not, animals can often get as stressed as humans, and although it may not be because of the same reasons, they still suffer the same consequences from being stressed out. Since cannabis oil is a scientifically-proven stress-reducer, it can be the perfect natural remedy for your pet, without you worrying about any unwanted side-effects.
How to feed it to your dog
We all know that pets can sometimes be pretty difficult to convince that they need to consume a certain pill or a remedy that’s good for their health. If it doesn’t look like a bone and doesn’t smell like meat, they don’t want it, and it is perfectly understandable.
Dogs are creatures with a perfect perception of danger and they are always being very careful when you introduce them to something new. Even if you put a bone in the middle of the room, they’ll still spend a lot of time smelling it and ensuring that it’s safe to consume, regardless if it’s their favorite food or not.
We’re telling you this because we know that you might be facing a problem and you’re in a situation where your dog needs to consume CBD Oil for their health, but they don’t even want to get near it, let alone consume it. Here are a few tricks that can work.

Mixing it in their favorite food
A lot of people cook with this type of oil, and so should you when you’re preparing food for your pet. Now, there are some things that you need to know. Although CBD doesn’t have a strong smell, don’t disregard the fact that dogs can smell ten times better than humans. They can still notice it’s there if you don’t blend it well enough, so make sure that you cook something with such a strong smell that will mask off the special ingredients.
Using CBD Pills
This wonderful cannabinoid is not always served in the form of oil. You can find numerous CBD-infused products on the market, and pills are one of them. If you want something that has completely no smell, this might be just the right solution when it comes to feeding them to your dog. You can find these products and a lot more on Royalcbd.com, so feel free to take a look if you need a reliable place to shop at affordable prices.

Dripping directly in their mouth
If your dog has some kind of a sickness that should be treated with CBD, you shouldn’t try to make things fancy, and instead, you should focus on being as direct as you can. When it is health that’s the main concern, there’s no time for sugarcoating things, so a few drops of the product directly into the mouth of your pet is more than enough to do the trick. They might not like it, but it’s for their best, so you as an owner have to do it.
Finding a product they like
We already told you that CBD products can be found in many different shapes and packages, meaning that you can find all sorts of foods, gummy bears and oils on the market, even pet-food if you are persistent enough.
If you are having trouble with one product, you can try a different one, and keep switching until you find the one that your pet loves. There are a lot of sweets that contain the required ingredients, so if you manage to find one, you shouldn’t be having any trouble when it comes to feeding it to them.

Creating your formula
After all, you are the owner of your pet, and you know exactly what they find the most appealing when it comes to taste. If you are not very lucky with finding a pre-made product on the market, you can make your own CBD Dog meal at home, including everything that your pet likes.
If you want, you can make a larger quantity, and split it into many different treats, giving your pet one each day. Just make sure that you are right with the dosages, and although you cannot see any unwanted effects from consuming too much of it, you should still try to keep things in the recommended values.