Many modern people often think about the appropriateness of college or university degrees. However, the fact is that education in America and many other countries is quite expensive, and students have to take loans. In addition, not all people are ready to spend 3-6 years of their lives attending lectures and seminars.
Plus, you’re not guaranteed a graduate job, especially if you’ve chosen a highly competitive niche. In addition, many employers very often have overestimated requirements, so internships and extracurricular activities may be required for many positions. But is there an alternative to colleges and universities?
Fortunately, you have the right to choose, and there are many alternative options.
Degree Apprenticeships

This option has many similarities with a classical degree, except that you can study one or two days a week at your educational institution. The rest of the time, you can work and acquire the necessary practical skills. One of the obvious advantages is the lower cost of education and the opportunity to gain work experience.
Plus, you will have the option to pay your bills. This means you can say goodbye to your student loan! Plus, you can pay for some paperwork, so you don’t waste time in the evenings. But first, you should read the 99 Papers review to know which writing services you can trust.
Let’s say you want to work for a company, but they don’t want to take you to a position without prior experience. Then what about traineeships? This option means that you will have to work for the company as an intern for free for 1-4 months. This prospect may not be the most attractive at first glance. However, if you establish yourself as an intelligent and hardworking employee, you may be offered a job after your traineeship period.
Entry-Level Jobs

This is your ticket to adulthood and the opportunity to earn money to go to college or university. There are many options when you can independently choose your schedule and load. Many employers offer vacancies that do not require any narrow specialization or prior experience. All you need is some time and the most popular job aggregators to find something interesting. Having the opportunity to work and earn money, you will have a chance to get an education or take refresher courses.
Gap Year
This option is not a full-fledged alternative but an opportunity to rethink your further education format. You will have a whole year to earn extra money for a college or university. In addition, you can find new options for continuing your education or receive a grant that will cover your further expenses for an educational institution. These 12 months are an opportunity to stop your hateful rhythm of life and see new perspectives.
Starting Your Own Business

What if you do not want to continue your education and are thinking about starting a business? Now is the time to put all doubts aside. Let’s say you have a hobby or you already have some ideas and are ready to look for investors. Then you shouldn’t hesitate. Make a business plan, find partners and start acting.
Sometimes people do not have to study for many years to open their own business eventually.
Online College
Here’s another good alternative for higher education. Online colleges and universities provide an opportunity to obtain the required amount of knowledge and a diploma no different from the usual one. The only difference will be the remote education format and the opportunity to save money on each year of study significantly.
Online Courses

This format of education is one of the most accessible. In addition, you can acquire the most relevant skills and start working after 6-12 months. Many companies and startups are ready to hire people who have completed popular online courses. You just need to look in advance at the area that is most interesting to you.
Job Training Program
Many companies offer everyone ready to undergo express training to master the basic skills necessary for a future position. This is your chance to say no to a multi-year educational process. What if you agree to a certain income level? Then you only need to attend courses that are fully paid (thanks to the company).
This option is good because you do not lose anything. First, you get relevant skills. Secondly, your chances of getting a job are very high.
Get Your Realtor License

Here is another profession which you can master in a couple of months. Having received a license, you can earn good money if you are active and enlist the support of a real estate office. The point is, you don’t need years of training. You only need a license and skills that you will certainly get while communicating with clients.
How about serving your country and becoming part of the army? A military service is a great option for those who do not yet know which field of education to choose in the future. Of course, you will have a hard time as your motivation, mental stamina, and physical fitness must be at a high level.
However, after serving a certain amount of time, you can get good benefits and the opportunity to save money on your college or university studies. Therefore, this option is extremely beneficial. In addition, no one forces you to fight in another country.
Develop Your Hobby

Most likely, you have any hobbies or interests. How about making them a part of your life and daily income? You don’t have to spend years on education. Instead, become a blogger, start writing books, become a musician, or offer your services online.
Take care of what makes you feel good. Don’t be afraid to take risks even if you are over 30. Don’t forget that Harland Sanders, the founder of KFC, started his business when he was 40. Your hobby can become the main occupation in your life!
Final Words
Do not be afraid to take risks and choose non-standard ways of obtaining education or certain skills. Public opinion is not always the only correct one. Follow your heart, and don’t be afraid of change.
Sometimes it makes more sense to start earning to save a certain amount for college. In addition, there are many examples of people without a college degree becoming millionaires. All you need is a little luck and a desire for self-development at all costs. Then you will certainly succeed.