The French word “little wheel” is the foundation of the term roulette. It is surprisingly one of the most famous games the world has ever played, that people can recognize just by looking at the wheel. The game has a rich history, standing tall for centuries. Roulette is one of the most-prized casino games, and today is available in several forms at almost every brick and mortar casino in the US. However, with mobile gaming and online gambling sites becoming the new norm, free online roulette practice has grown in popularity.
How does Game Work?

The game is simple and fun. In this, players may select just a single number or a group of numbers to place their bets. If they choose a single number, the return is much higher but if they choose a group, the return decreases proportionally. The colors are always dual, such as red and black, whether they are odd series (1, 3, 5, etc.) or even series (2, 4, 6, etc), and if they are high (19 to 36) or low (between 1 and 18), form the basis of the rewards in this game.
The payouts during the game make it even more interesting if you think so.
- When the player bets “Straight Up”, the winning spaces include any single number, the payout or winning amount is 35 to 1.
- Now, if the player bets “Row” where the winning spaces are 0, 00, the reward is 17 to 1. Then, the player can place a “Split” bet, where the winning spaces are “any two adjoining numbers”, which can be vertical or horizontal, and the reward falls down to 17 to 1.
- Finally, the player can bet “Street” that has the winning spaces of “any three horizontal numbers”. For example, 1, 2, 3 or 4, 5, 6, etc. and the payout becomes 11 to 1, the lowest in the category.
Thus, roulette is one of the simplest games where the higher you risk, the higher you get paid. But, if you are not willing to take risks, you can get very little in return. And, as one can tell, the chances of making a return at all are very less indeed. There is no way to guarantee that the bet will win, in an unbiased roulette wheel.
Playing Roulette for Free

Basically, it means that you can play roulette at home or at some other place where you do not win real money and you don’t have to place real bets. If this is not the case, the game is just for fun and you can play it for free of cost. Playing free roulette is possible with fake money, and betting it on what you think will be a winning section on the wheel. In this case, the computer dealer (whether an app on your smartphone or a small game on your browser, or on your desktop) will spin the wheels. There is a small ball that resides within this wheel. As the wheel stops and the ball stops on a certain number, that section wins.
When the game begins, a new player must first choose their roulette board number, and if the ball stops on their chosen number, depending on the type of bet (Straight, Street, etc.) they get paid the return. They win the game of roulette. It is not a single shot or a one-time game. It continues again and again, and as many times you can bet. Players can choose for free online roulette practice on sites like before they play a real game with real money, to get used to the concept. This is helpful to minimize losses over the long run, say 100 spins.
Now, something that bugs people when playing a game of roulette online is whether it works the same way as a real roulette. They wonder if there is something missing and if practicing on the free online roulette is not a good idea if they want to win actual matches. The thing is simple! The free online roulette games work very much the same way as a real game. It is, after all, a little spinning wheel. Usually, where a dealer is responsible for mechanically spinning the roulette wheel, the computer program or software does the same. It uses something called an RNG to determine the location where the ball will stop, and once the wheel spins complete, the ball stops at a certain number. This is completely fair when the random number is not leaked during the game. In such a free roulette game, there is no need for players to even make an account or register with any casino. All you need is an internet connection.
There are tons of apps on smartphones both on Play Store and App Store for free online roulette practice. They all work on the same principle. Unless they are biased and tampered with, the roulette is as fair as possible. If you have a little background in computer science and programming you can understand that a random number generator is similar to not knowing where the ball will land every time the wheel spins. Thus, there is no foul play in this method.
Is it Possible to Form Strategies to Win Roulette?

Like many online casino games, practice is the key. There are some basic roulette strategies and tips that can help one minimize their chances of losing more, and help them improve their gameplay. Because this is a game of luck, there is no way to guarantee a win. But, with some rules and following some tips, players can make a wise decision and improve their chances. Playing for free online roulette practice is the best way to get good enough at the game. And, online roulette is all the same. In online casinos, there is a house bias. With free games, you can play an unlimited number of spins and learn the odds of all types of variants of this game. Then, this will give you an idea of which game suits you the best.
As a player, roulette offers not just one but several formats. And, each of these formats offers a different way of making some real money. When real money comes into the picture, winning a game of roulette seems a daunting task indeed.