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Having kids is one of the most beautiful things we as humans can experience. It is also one of the hardest jobs ever and one that never stops no matter how old they get. When a couple has twins, things are double as hard and it is understandable if they require help with all the things the babies may need. If the grandparents, older siblings, or other family members are busy themselves or live far away, the only logical way to go is hiring a nanny.
Now, doing this is hard on its own if you have one child, let alone twins. The whole approach is different and the nanny will have a lot more work to do during her average day at the house. So how should this be done and how can a couple ensure that they hire the right person for the job? If you need help in the form of advice and some constructive tips regarding hiring a nanny for twins, make sure to keep reading this article. In addition, to find out more info on this important topic, we advise you visit Oppasland.
1. Identify Your Needs

As we already mentioned, hiring a nanny is always hard since you can never be sure who you are trusting with taking care of your children and whether or not they will be the right fit. The crucial part for any family looking to get some help with raising and entertaining their kids this way is to identify the reason they want a nanny and what they need from her. Not all nannies are the same, and even though the job seems straightforward and easy to understand, it is hardly like that in practice.
Some nannies are better with single kids while others specialize in twins, or multiple kids. They also have different styles and approaches, with more fun or more education being some of the options. It also matters what your kids want and need. This is all important and should be established before you start interviewing potential candidates and offering them the job.
2. Know What to Look for in Candidates
When the time comes to start evaluating candidates and interviewing them for the job, you have to know what to ask them and what they need to have. More importantly, you have to be aware of who they need to be as people and as professionals. Experience is everything and in this line of work it is important for them to be both well-educated and experienced “in the field.” Regarding education, you will definitely only want someone who has completed the appropriate schools and courses in childcare as well as psychology and pedagogy.
Then there is first aid and CPR, two crucial “just in case” skills that every nanny has to have. Regarding the experience, it is hard to say how much of it is enough for you to be sure in your choice, but if the candidate usually looks after twins or multiple siblings, they should be well-equipped to handle yours. Some other things to pay attention to is their general behavior and overall demeanor, as well as their driving record.
3. Build a Relationship

Unlike other business relationship and with hiring other people like contractors, you have to actually care about your nanny. Your relationship should improve overtime and you need to be friends if you want your children to have the best care possible. Nannies should and usually do care a lot about every child they take care of and they remain a big part of the children’s earliest memories. When it comes to your twins, the nanny needs to be around them before they start the job. They have to know each other and get used to each other.
As a parent, you also need to care for the person who is coming to your home every day and entertaining your kids. Ask them what they need, help them feel comfortable around the house, and work with them to find the best course of action if you want certain things on their end. Having a long term working relationship with a nanny is hard to achieve which is why households usually go through multiple nannies and the kids can never get used to them. It is hard work but with a little dedication and understanding, you will surely get there.
4. Talk to and about Your Children
This goes without saying and is a no-brainer thing to mention really, but it is very important for you as the parent of the twins to tell the nanny everything. They will have an easier time caring for your two kids if you make it easy for them and give them the key details on each of them. What are their differences and preferences, when do they usually like to take naps, what annoys them and what makes them cooperative? Kids are kids, and certain traits are the same for all of them. However, they are individual beings and unique in their own right.
Therefore, give all you can to the nanny so that they bond with the twins faster and on a deeper level and you will hardly experience any sort of issue during a regular day of having a nanny. You also need to talk to the kids about having a nanny. Tell them who they are, why they are here, and that they should listen to them as they do with you. It takes time for a child to understand but it is the same with kindergarten, school, and staying with other family members.
5. Set Expectations

Last but not least, we have a general tip for you to use when hiring a nanny. Expectations are always important no matter what you do. When choosing the right person to be there instead of you when your twins need them, they are as important as they come. Set expectations for yourself, for the kids, and for the nanny. Tell the nanny what you want from this relationship and what you would like the kids to achieve. Tell yourself and talk to your partner about what each of you and the two of you as parents want and be on the same page about it. It is the little things like these that truly make the difference in your approach to hiring a nanny for the foreseeable future.