You have finally found a seemingly perfect job advertisement.
It is known that a job is not obtained only on the basis of what is “on paper”, ie what is in your CV. Often the impression you leave with the employer during the interview is what decides.
An invitation to an interview means that you have successfully introduced yourself to the employer through the documents you have already sent. It’s time to prepare for the next step.
It is necessary to pay attention to a few key things:
Inform yourself in advance
Of course, be subtle as you share your knowledge of the company. Merge some information and data about the company, workplace, and the like. Your potential bosses will love this.
Learn as much as you can about the job you applied for
In addition to some general information about the company, you need to know as much as possible about the job you applied for. In this way, you will put yourself in a position to highlight your strengths – your knowledge and skills needed for the job.
You need to be honest about your shortcomings regarding the skills and knowledge related to that job. It’s simple – you can’t hide that you don’t have enough experience if it’s crucial and it will show up someday. Therefore, it is better to be objective in terms of your knowledge and skills and to present them as you really are. Of course, try not to hurt yourself with too much sincerity.

Prepare questions for the employer
You will mostly be asked questions. However, show interest in the job and if the opportunity arises, ask your potential superiors a question. This gesture will show how motivated and ambitious you are.
Examine your CV
All you have to do is at least read your resume before going to a job interview – this way you will refresh details such as some dates that are important for your career so far or similar little things that can be crucial in the interview.
Highlight some parts of your resume that you feel could be decisive in your favor during the interview and that can bring you the job you want.

Prepare a short presentation about yourself
Briefly say something about yourself. Where do you come from, where do you currently live and the like. You can also mention education, describe, for example, the last job. Highlight in this part special skills, as well as knowledge of foreign languages and, do not forget to state the reason for your application for the job vacancy.
Remind yourself of the most difficult questions in the interviews
There are questions that are asked at job interviews that are a way for an employer to get to know your character, for example.
How could you not be surprised at that moment by questions such as Why should we hire you? or What would a person you don’t like say about you?

Prepare a good business presentation
Presentations are often very confusing, seemingly boring and sometimes even frightening. However, there are some general rules, which, if applied, would do wonders from your presentation. Also, if you are not very creative, safest choice is to use templates, like ones on Note the following steps:
1) Meet the audience
This seems so simple but the most important thing you can do for your presentation is to make it successful. Even before you accept to give a presentation, inquire about the structure of the audience. Will your audience be primarily young? Or maybe older people? Will they be well educated?
Sometimes it may be of importance to you and information that is nationality, religion. Of course, you don’t need all this information every time. You decide which feature of the audience is most important for your presentation, so that it would be well received. You decide who your target group is in relation to the topic of your presentation.

2) Be natural
I know that this point sounds like it contradicts point no. 1, but it is not so. No matter how you prepare your presentation to adapt both it and yourself to the audience, after all, you want to stay your own. This is what will instill confidence in your potential superiors. The last thing you want when you give a presentation is that they don’t trust you. And when will your potential superiors not believe you? When you notice dishonest behavior.
3) Practice, practice and just practice
Simply. Trust us, you really don’t want to deliver your presentation for the first time right in front of your target audience. Before that, you have to practice it a bit.
However, you don’t want to practice it too much to start memorizing whole phrases and sentences. Because in that case, if things are learned by heart, everything starts to sound like bad acting, and bad acting leads to the distrust of the audience.

4) Introduction – elaboration – conclusion
It is the basis of a fluid, smooth and clear presentation. The last thing you want is to confuse the audience. First, explain to the audience why they are here. Give them a reason why the topic you are talking about is important, not only to you but to them as well.
The next thing you need to do is explain what the goal of the presentation is and present a plan on how you will lead them to that goal. Next, lay the foundations of the story – explain to the audience all the important things, words, details.
Only then move on to elaborating the story where you explain the procedures and methods and what you have already used to come to a conclusion. Finally, the essence of your entire presentation follows – the conclusion, the result, the point of the whole story, where you try to emphasize that part, so that it is absolutely clear that this is the essence of your story. Finally, finish your presentation smoothly and gradually with maybe some summarization and the like.
5) Time is up!
It is important to say that nothing irritates the audience as much as a presentation that is too long. You can give a brilliant presentation, but if you procrastinate too much, and exceed the time allotted to you, at least someone in the audience will be annoyed.

Regardless of the fact that your CV showed that you are a good candidate for the job and you still have an interview left, so don’t relax too soon. While this seems intuitive and obvious, it’s a whole other story when you need to follow these few rules. We hope that we have helped you and that at least someone will try this on their example.