Whether you’re a small business startup or a huge corporation with warehouses and stores all over the world, every business can and should invest in smart technology. Not only is the rise in smart tech making things easier for everyone, but it also means we can control our energy usage with ease. However, while there are more advantages then disadvantages of using smart tech, many businesses like to stick to old traditional methods and refuse to change over their appliances to make the most of the newest technology! In this day and age, you have to stay on top of the latest gadgets and trends to be better and ahead of your competitors, that way, everyone will prefer your services or products to theirs!
Interested in finding out reasons why your business should utilise smart technology? Perhaps you’re unsure of whether to fork out the initial investment or whether the smart tech is worth all the hype it gets in the media?
Below is a quick summary of the reasons why you need to change over to smart tech (where it’s affordable and useful for your business!). Remember, smart technology is constantly evolving so it’s essential to stay on top of everything to be the best in the market.

Increases productivity
Employee productivity is something that makes your business more efficient. If you have dedicated and hard-working employees who use the most of their day then your business will thrive. This is especially true for business who use phone lines or online methods, those businesses who have the latest smart tech will see a significant improvement to the amount of sales. If you’re a business who is currently relying on landline phones and old computers, one of the first things you should do is update these items – even before investing in smart technology! You’re sure to see a difference in employee productivity if they’re working with good tech that works when they need it too.
Better for the environment
As the climate crisis becomes more prominent in the media headlines, smart technology is one of the only things that will improve the amount of emissions we’re putting out into the environment. More businesses should utilise smart tech by doing something small, it may be installing smart bulbs into your office lights or even doing something similar to truckcraftbodies.co.uk who have started to implement solar technology onto their trucks. This simple yet effective method means our earth gets to live longer yet your business also saves money (since the likes of solar panels and smart lighting saves money!). Surprisingly, it’s a small change that can have a huge impact. You won’t regret changing over! Ultimately, it’s up to us to save the planet and start reducing our consumption of energy across the planet and who says that this can’t be done starting in our business’s office? It’s a planet and money-saving idea that so many small and larger companies are implementing, it’s refreshing!

Decreases energy prices
Smart technology has the ability to reduce your energy bills and prices through simple steps. The likes of smart lighting in offices is a great idea as if someone forgets to turn off the lights, they will automatically go off after a certain amount of time, or you can turn them off from your phone. Plus, smart TVs are more efficient than large LCD TVs that tend to use a lot of energy. Through integrating these smart technologies into your office and business you can save a lot of money. Therefore, if you’re debating installing smart technology but are hesitant due to the cost, imagine saving huge amounts on your monthly bill – before you know it, you’ll have made the money back!
Availability of remote access
Smart technology gives you as a business owner, the ability to have remote access to your appliances. Many offices have fridges but if you’re willing to invest in a smart fridge then you can always see what’s left in the fridge and what your offices needs on a Monday. Therefore, your employees never have to arrive to work and there be no milk or goodies in the fridge for them. Instead, you can be prepared and buy supplies ready for the next week ahead. This is also the case with heating and lighting too, a smart tech piece that is necessary to any modern office has to be remote heating. Your employees will definitely thank you if you turn up the heating before starting the day! There is simply nothing better than a toasty and warm office space to turn up to.

It’s expected by millennials
With the popularity of smart technology, it’s almost expected by millennials for your business to have these available. Not just because of their countless benefits but simply because it shows, you’re a modern and good company to work for. Your business has to showcase honest, transparent and modern values that employees will resonate with and through having smart technology available you’re sure to get a lot of applicants wanting to join your team. While we wouldn’t explicitly say it’s an expected element of a job role, if your employees have smart tech within their daily work life, they will become more socially aware of the great advantages they have and therefore hold a good reputation in their head of the business they work for. This is the same for customers or clients working with your business!

We hope these simple reasons have convinced you that your office and company need to start using smart technology along with all other gadgets. We reached out to German Award-Winning Entrepreneur Matthias Mende and he told us: “Our world is ever-evolving and if you’re able to stay in touch with the smart gadget side of things then you never need to worry about being behind! Any business owner wanting to make a profit and carry on into this new decade making large amounts of money has to consider how they are impacting the planet and what they can do to reduce their impact and be a better company overall. After all, it’s better for your wallet, employees and our beautiful world.”