It may not seem like that now, but education is very important in your life. And you should remember that you are never too old to start learning and improving your knowledge and skills.
And if you decide to continue working on your education you need to at least have some decent study habits. Because if you don’t have them, you will end up studying the night before an exam and you will see that studying that way isn’t a good solution. If you have good study habits you will develop good work ethics, your marks will be better, and your life will be easier because you will have enough time for everything and everyone.
Developing Good Online Learning Skills Under Quarantine
Going to school in early 2023 has proven to be quite a different experience, to say the least. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our very society from travel, businesses, to schooling. As governments continue to impose quarantine and social distancing measures, campuses will remain closed while online classes remain the norm. However, online learning is a new experience for many students, but the COVID-19 pandemic is giving hundreds of millions of students and even teachers around the world no choice. Although many will struggle initially with their ‘new’ environment outside the classroom, it’s not that hard to transplant traditional effective study habits and repurpose it to develop good online learning habits. All you need to do is to adapt it to the current situation and make the best of everything in this crisis.
Additional info: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Revolutionizing Learning Norms
Developing good study habits is not that easy, but it can be achieved. We gathered some tips that will make your education easier and get you the most out of it.

- Study every day – Yes, we know that this may sound boring, and not everyone loves to study every day, but this is crucial. Because if you study just a little bit every single day, when it comes to the time for your exam you will be prepared. You won’t need to study the whole book two nights before the exam because you will be prepared. Try to read after every class, what you did in that class. And don’t think that you don’t have time to study every day, you do – but you just don’t know.
- Leave your phone – This is very important when you start studying because once you leave your phone you will see just how much time you wasted just on being online. Now that time you can invest in studying. Also not picking up your phone every five minutes gets you to focus more and study better.
Source: Romania Insider - Make yourself comfy – This doesn’t mean that you should get so comfortable that you fall asleep, but it means that you need to be in a comfortable place, somewhere where you feel safe and somewhere where you don’t get easily distracted. There are many options, you can study at home, at the library, at a cafe, or even outside in the park. Some people study better in a quiet environment, and others have better results if the environment is hectic. Be sure to learn what best suits you and do that.
- Find the best time to study- It’s important to know when you are the most productive. Some people are in the mornings, but others are at night. And when you are the most productive that’s the time when you should study. If you study at night be sure to stop once you feel sleepy because if you are tired you won’t study properly.
Source: The Productive Engineer - Have a plan – Having a good plan gets you halfway through. You should plan your studying with your planner, to-do lists, wall planners, or anything you use to plan. If you don’t use anything, you should start, because if something is written there is a better chance that it will be done.
- Find help – It is perfectly normal that you don’t know everything and that you don’t know how to do everything. Because of that, we encourage you to find help when you need it. You can find help with writing essays on this site.
Source: Daniel Bourke - Take breaks – Short breaks are very important because you are allowing your mind and body to reboot. When you take a break you should get away from your work and study space and walk a bit around and stretch. This will help you focus more after the break and it is crucial with problem-solving. Also if you are feeling extra tired you must take a break, because there is no point in studying like that.
- Find your learning style – Another important tip is to know what your learning style is and in which way you study. There are auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners, and you can take a test online to see which learner you are. But don’t think that the online test is something you should blindly follow, you should try out and if it doesn’t suit you, try another learning style.
Source: Brainscape - Revise – This is important and if you study every day you should revise at least once a week. The way you revise and review what you learned the past week is up to you. You can make a quiz for yourself, you can revise it with your colleagues, or friends and family members. Be creative and make this interesting and it will be easier for you.
- Try learning with others – If you know that this is not something that you can do and if you like to study alone and in quiet, that’s okay. But if you don’t have a problem with learning with other people, then it can be a good option. Find someone that you can spend time with, or form a study group if you don’t mind studying with more than one person. This can bring you great benefits, but be sure to choose the right people, the ones that really want to study and are motivated.
Source: captionsgram - Always stay motivated – When it’s difficult and when you want to throw all those books through the window, remember why are you doing all of this. Remember what you want to do after you graduate and think about your goals.
- Relax – Stress is your worst enemy and you should always try to relax as much as you can. Being stressed out can only reduce your learning power, and you don’t want that.
These tips are great for you to make your little study heaven and make your education easier. But you need to know that you should primarily find what best suits you and your needs and make your plan. Also, remember that learning doesn’t need to be boring and that you can easily make it interesting and easy. The power is in your hands.