Not many people know what Kratom is, but that is quite understandable because this is a tropical tree that originates from South Asia.
As we all know already, in our world there are two types of medicine. Modern medicine, which consists of pills, syrups, injection shots and other chemically processed mixtures, and natural or alternative medicine that is based on plants, trees, herbs and things of that nature.
There isn’t a “best way” when it comes to choosing what kind of treatment you’re going to give a person with a certain condition, but it is worthy to remember that some cases can be treated more easily by using modern medicine, while others can be perfect for natural, herb-based remedies.
Now, what are the differences between modern medicine and alternative medicine? Well, that’s exactly what we’re here to talk about, so if you are curious about learning more, feel free to stay with us until the end of this article. Let’s take a look.

Alternative Medicine
It might not be very common in your country or city, but there are people in this world that never use any medicine except alternative. They strongly believe that nature can cure everything, so all of their remedies are something based on herbs and plants, one of which is Kratom.
You’re probably wondering why someone would use a homemade remedy instead of using one that has been tested numerous times in sophisticated laboratories, and that’s a good question, but we have an even better answer.
Those who are fans of alternative medicine believe that everything that is caused by nature can be cured by nature, and without any side-effects, which is pretty well-known for most modern medicine today. For example, depression is something that becomes common amongst people nowadays, but anti-depressants are known to have tons of side-effects, which is why these groups of people prefer to cure with Kratom instead.

What is Kratom?
Like we already mentioned, Kratom is a plant that grows in South Asia, or at least it did before people started planting it in many different places across the world. When it was first discovered, it was used as an alternative remedy, but after a few researches, many found out that it can also be used as a recreational drug.
Kratom is legal to use in almost all countries world-wide except Australia and Denmark, and it is proven to have some amazing effects on people that suffer from anxiety or depression. For those of you wondering, this plant is consumed as a dietary supplement, and it is also categorized as one.
There are many different Kratom strains that you can find on the market, and each one of them has a different effect, very similar to Marijuana strains, if you need something to compare it with. There are so many strains that you should know about, but we can’t list them all, so here are some of the most popular ones.
- Bali
Provides a lot of euphoria and also has a pain-relieving effect, a favorite amongst people that have chronic back pain or intense headaches.
- Maeng Da
Makes you feel energized, doesn’t affect your mood all that much but it also helps a lot when it comes to pain reduction
- Super Indo
This strain has a very similar effect as the popular Bali strain, except it doesn’t provide as much euphoria. It still has the pain-relieving effects, so if you want to get rid of chronic pain but remain perfectly normal emotion-wise, this is a great choice.
Many other strains have very interesting and useful effects, but like we already said, they are way too many to be listed in one article. Luckily, you can visit and find out some more.

So, how does it work?
Most of you are probably wondering how Kratom works, and that’s exactly what we’re going to explain below.
In Kratom, there is an ingredient that goes by the name of mitragynine. This ingredient can bind to our opioid receptors that are located in our brain, and relieve us from any pain that we might be feeling at the moment. Now, here comes a very interesting part about this plant.
When you’re consuming mitragynine, in lower doses it provides you energy and makes you feel euphoric. Great, this means that if I take a lot of it, I’ll be full of energy for the entire week, right? Well, that’s not entirely true, unfortunately.
The tricky part about mitragynine is that in higher doses it has a very sedative effects, so if you take too much of it, instead of becoming ultra-energized, you’ll just want to fall asleep and rest.

What can Kratom help me with?
Kratom can be really useful if you happen to be suffering from some of the following conditions
- Muscle aches and pain
- Fatigue and constantly feeling tired
- Diarrhea and other stomach irregularities as well as pain
- Dangerously-high blood pressure
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- PTSD or also known as post-traumatic stress disorder
In places where Kratom originates from, people were using it for centuries. It has many different names that the locals came up with, and some of them are Kakum, Thang, Ketum, Thom and Biak.

In what form can I find Kratom?
This plant can be found in many different forms, including gum, extracts, oils, tinctures, capsules and tablets. People that are using it for a long time, especially the locals in areas where Kratom grows, are consuming it “raw”, simply by drying the leaves and either eating them in that particular form or powdering them and using the powder as extra flavor for their meals.
If you’re from the United States for example, where Kratom isn’t that common to find, you’ll probably find it in some of the other forms that we mentioned above, such as capsules and tablets. This can also be a good thing because on each capsule or tablet you’ll know the exact dosage, and you’ll know how much you’re consuming, which isn’t the case when you’re eating raw leaves.