If you are a coin collector or if your business accepts coins as payment, you already know how time-consuming is to sort and count the pennies at the end of every day.
It’s boring, it goes slow, there are usually so many mistakes made because the employees are tired and just want to go home.
If you are still sorting the coins manually, it’s time for a change! It is time to take advantage of the technology and let the machines do the busy work for you.
Here we are going to tell you more about the coin counters and sorters and why you should invest in one.
What are Coin Sorters?
Coin sorting machine or coin sorter is a device that sorts a random coin collection. It separates them in different cups for various dominations.
These machines are a lot smaller than you think, and they use sensors to identify, sort and even count each coin that passes through the machine.
The coin sorters are specific for each country because different countries use different coins that can be larger, or smaller.

What are Coin Counters?
This type of machine is really similar to the coin sorter. The difference is that instead of only sorting the coins and putting them in different cups, it counts the coins.
Usually, these two machines are combined, but you can choose to have separate ones if your coins are already pre-sorted.
Currency counters are usually used in vending machines to determine the amount of money that has been deposited by costumers.
How to Choose the Right Coin Sorter?
There are a lot of different types of coin sorters that are being sold in the market today. Because of this you need to make sure that you are going to buy the right machine for your business.
The first thing you need to do is to evaluate your needs. For example, if you work in a place that does not have easy or constant access to electricity, you should choose one that is portable and manually operated coin sorter.
The benefit of a manually operated coin counter is that you can use it anywhere you want. The downside is that it will take more time and energy to operate.

Digital Coin Sorter
Digital coin sorters are one of the most useful sorters available on the market. Depending on the type and model, some are small and battery operated. They can sort up to 20 coins at a time. Other models can be really big and sort huge amounts of coins.
If you need to count coins every day or every week, it’s better to opt for heavy-duty digital coin sorter.
With just a press of the button you can see how many quarters, pennies, nickels and dimes have been counted. Most of the digital sorters accept newer coins and you don’t have to separate old from new coins.
Make sure you get a good digital sorter, read reviews and if it’s possible, try the sorter out in the store before you buy it. Discover more here about the different types if coin sorters.
Benefits of Coin Sorters
There are a lot of benefits that coin sorters have. They are even greater if you invest in a coin sorting and counting machine. The only thing you’d need to do is add more coins when the machine is done with the first batch.
Here are the greatest benefits of a coin sorting machine.

Saves Time
Did you know that on average, the smallest machine can sort and count about 500 coins per minute? This fact is amazing, especially when you try to do that by hand and see that you cannot even get to one-fifth of that number.
Humans get tired after a while and they start sorting the coins in a slower pace or make more mistakes. With a coin sorting machine, the speed will always stay the same and the accuracy will not go down in time. Probably the biggest reason why businesses invest in coin counters and sorters is the time saved.
If your employees are not too busy counting coins at the end of the day, they can focus on more important things like helping customers or even better, getting home sooner to spend more time with their families.
Greater Accuracy
Manual coin sorting and counting is difficult. Even though it sounds like it’s an easy thing to do, think about doing it for hours and how much concentration you’d need.
It’s easy to lose track when you’re counting and sorting large volumes of money, and the resorting takes even more time and makes you even more tired.
Only one little mistake can add up to 20 additional minutes of sorting and that’s a lot of time! If you invest in a coin sorter, the whole process will be not only faster, it will be 99.9% accurate and there will be no need of resorting or recounting.

Decrease in Costs and Losses
We all want to trust the people we work with, but mistakes happen. No matter if it’s a mistake that was intentional or not, human error happens.
Miscounting a few nickels won’t make a difference, but miscounting a dollar or even two will add up quickly. Some people may even do it on purpose.
Internal Theft will not be an option if you invest in a coin sorter and your employees will have more time to focus on important tasks.
Clean Hands
Even though coin counting and sorting might be interesting and relaxing for someone, you should know that everyone touched those coins. And not everyone washes their hands.
Just imagine touching a coin that was on the ground, and was touched by someone who didn’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom. And then, your forehead itches and you scratch it. It sounds disgusting, right?
Well, with a coin counter and sorter, you won’t have to worry about germs and spreading diseases. It will not only save your time, it will save your skin as well.
With all this said, you probably know why you should go out and get a coin sorter as soon as possible. If you are already using a coin sorter, are there any other benefits you’ve noticed?