After the 16th and 18th birthday, 21st is the last one you will certainly remember for a long time. This is a perfect occasion for you to make a wild party, surrounded by your friends and family. Since the 21st birthday is the one that actually makes you able to drink and buy alcohol, we absolutely have no doubt that you will have the chance to have a glass or two. Surely, you will have the party you will remember for the rest of your life. If case you are the one who is invited to the wild part, such as this one, you need to make sure that your gift is unique, and why not, funny. Naturally, it all depends on the type of person you are giving it to. Thankfully, you can choose between, literally, countless gifts you can give to your friend.
So, from what we’ve seen above, you need to be pretty careful about the gift you will give to the person in question. Surely, you will make this decision based on the person you are giving the gift to. At the same time, it depends on your relations with the person. So, if you have someone’s 21st birthday, and you don’t have the slightest idea about the gift you are going to buy, you are in the right place. We are going to provide you with a pretty long list of gifts you can give to your loved one. We would like to point out that we are going to provide a wide array of different gifts, from meaningful to the entertaining ones, but both equally unique. Without wasting your precious time any longer, we are going to provide you with the list we’ve prepared.
1. The Booze Cake

Since we are talking about 21st birthday, it wouldn’t be right if we were to start this list of ours with something that’s not related to alcohol. At the same time, we can see that booze cakes are surely one of the most interesting gifts you can actually give to someone that celebrates this birthday. Surely, this is not something that going to be cheap since we are talking about many different bottles of different drinks, but you can combine your money with a couple of friends and give one of the most interesting gifts to the person in question, without a doubt.
2. Funny-looking Intimate Products

Let us be honest, if you are a male and you are looking for a funny and unique gift to give to your male friend, you will surely consider buying some intimate products. Without a doubt, one of these that will make the best impact of them all is realistic sex dolls. If you are interested in checking some of them out, you can pay a visit to Also, there are a lot of them from which you can choose from. So, you need to set up your mind on buying both original and funny gifts and you will hit the spot, without any doubt.
3. Personalized Photo Album or Frame

Even though you are going to an important birthday, such as 21st, it can be said that there is nothing wrong with buying something, maybe smaller in capacity, but more important when it comes to the meaning. One of the things that you should seriously take a look into is a heavily personalized frame or a photo album where your friend will be able to store the pictures from the event or any other pictures. Thankfully, there are countless of these you can choose from, which surely means that you will have many possibilities to be creative.
4. Engraved Knife

Gifting any kind of tool is highly popular among boys. So, there is nothing wrong with giving an engraved knife to your friend. Thankfully, there are a plethora of different companies or craftsmen who can actually do it for you for a reasonable price. Surely, this is a gift that is bound to make a positive impact on the birthday boy.
5. Unique Alcohol Shot Glass

We can see that the highest percentage of teenagers look for their 21st birthdays in order to be old enough to drink. Therefore, this is the thing that will actually narrow down the potential gifts if you are opting to remain within these limitations. That doesn’t mean that it should be something boring. Instead, you can give your best and find a great gift that will be both amusing and original. So, you can buy a shot glass that has something related to the birthday in question written all over it. We can see that there are glasses who say that a person is 21 and legal, which of course means, old enough to drink.
6. Hangover Kit

Surely, this birthday will be a wild one and you can count on it that a lot of alcohol will be consumed during that day and night. The day after the birthday is surely going to be an interesting one. The reason is that all the guests are going to recover from the drinking session that occurred last night. So, this is a perfect moment when you can give another gift to the birthday girl or boy. We are talking about a hangover kit, which consists of a bottle of water, some snacks, a mouthwash, and some medicine like Tylenol or Advil. This is a gift that the person who has the hangover will be most thankful for, without a doubt.
7. Birthday Socks

It can be said that nobody will expect a gift such as birthday socks. We are pretty sure that the highest percentage of people don’t even have an idea about what they actually are. These are surely one of the funniest gifts that you will be able to find. Birthday socks are personalized socks that can consist of various different images, maybe pictures of the birthday girl or boy, or images of their friends. Since this is a pretty customizable gift, you will have all the creative freedom you will need in order to make a positive impression. Due to space, you have to be creative, we count on that you will actually be.