Anabolic steroids use either the naturally-occurring male hormone, testosterone, or are made with synthetic versions of it. They have two main effects on the human body, which are anabolic or the process of building muscle and androgenic or masculinizing the body.
Created many decades ago, these are widely used in the world of medicine and sports.
In medicine, steroids are used to stimulate appetite, muscle growth, and also treat conditions such as cancer and AIDS. In sports, however, they are used to boost the body’s performance by helping build muscle, increase endurance, strength, etc. They are so popular that there isn’t a strength sport in which they haven’t been used.

How to Use Steroids
There are three main terms you need to be familiar with if you’re considering using anabolic-androgenic steroids or anabolic steroids.
This refers to the pattern in which the steroids are taken. You take them consistently for a few days, followed by a period in which you don’t.
You club the steroid with the other drugs that you’re taking for the best effects.
As the name suggests, you increase the amount of the steroid you use with time until you reach the peak.
Keep in mind that the androgen receptors in your body are not uniformly distributed. Some people see growth in their arms when they use steroids for the first time, while others see growth in their legs. For some people, they may not see any major changes in the beginning, and it takes them a few cycles to bulk up even a little.
You do not know how your body will react until you take it.
The effects also depend on the kind of exercise you’re doing. If lifting weights, you’ll see increased muscle strength. However, if you’re running, you’ll observe better speed and endurance.

What’s the Right Amount?
While there is a lot of literature available on the right dose of a steroid for medicinal uses, there’s none to see the effects of different doses on your performance in different types of workouts. This means that your dose may not be the right one, even if you saw a substantial increase in your muscle mass. It is important to keep in mind that large doses are often associated with side effects such as liver damage, high blood pressure, increased risk of developing cancer, etc.
The key lesson here is that increasing the dose may do more harm than good.
An increased dose doesn’t necessarily mean better performance or improved strength, but it also increases the risk of developing side effects that aren’t at all pleasing.
How Are They Used?
There are two ways of using steroids:
- Orally by taking a pill
- Intramuscular injection
- Applied to the skin
In most cases, people prefer taking them orally as it is easier to do, and you don’t need to invest in paraphernalia such as a syringe–and, it doesn’t hurt.
Some steroids can also be applied to your skin since they’re available as gels or patches. However, they aren’t as effective as the rest.
The market, however, is full of dupes and fake products, which is why it is essential to get them from a well-reputed AnabolicSteroidDrugs website. After all, you don’t want to risk your health.

The Advantages of Taking Anabolic Steroids
People take steroids because you’re able to see somewhat of an instant result, no matter what your goal. They can help you increase endurance, speed, energy, stamina, muscle mass, etc. and help you keep on top of your game. Additionally, they also help you recover faster.
The following are the advantages:
- Improved appearance due to muscle gain
- Quicker recovery
- Improved strength
- Better athletic performance
- Increased endurance
- Higher intensity
- Better stamina
Who Uses Steroids?
While they were made for medical inventions, the widest use of steroids is non-medical. The average steroid users are men between the ages group of 16 to 32. They’re used by:
- Young men
- Bodybuilders
- People with body image issues
- Competitive athletes

Do They Work?
Yes, they do work.
In fact, they work so well that they’re used by amateur and professional athletes from all over the world in almost all major sports. They mimic how testosterone works in the body and helps build and repair muscle. The results are quick and help improve athletic performance, agility, etc.
However, they also come with several side effects.
A Look at the Side Effects
The side effects of using anabolic steroids include:
- Increased risk of blood clots, stroke, heart disease, cancer, etc.
- Liver damage and jaundice
- Aggression
- Stunted growth
- Mood swings
- High blood pressure
- Weight gain
- Mood swings
- Issues with sleeping
- Testicular shrinkage

Keep in mind that they develop over time, which means the longer that you use steroids, the higher your chances are of having the side effects, which is why it is crucial to stay safe.
In Conclusion
Anabolic steroids do have their advantage and have become increasingly popular. They were first created to be used in medicine but have found their way into sports as they help increase performance. It is up to you to make a wise choice by keeping all of the factors in mind.
There isn’t any scientific research available on anabolic steroids to help determine the right dose. Keep in mind, though that a higher dose puts you at more risk of developing side effects and may not affect your performance.