Many males today are struggling because they are not satisfied with the size of their penis. We can see that there are lots of various commercials about procedures and products that could help. You can choose between enlargement pills, creams, surgery, extenders, pumps, and implants. And all of these methods have different effects, but also some downsides as well. If you are interested in finding out more about the penile lengthening procedure, visit Dr. Elist, who has a private practice in California.
There are many problems that a small penis can cause and that not connected with the sexual function. The main problems are anxiety and low self-esteem. According to some statistics, around 20 percent of all men are not satisfied with their size. Also, in most cases, their problem is more mental than functional.
Furthermore, if you are not satisfied with the size of your penis and have a problem with both mental and functional, various ways could help you. For a long time, the penile enlargement procedure was the only way to get a bigger penis.
However, we can see that there are many other products and procedures today, that might also help. On the other hand, you need to be aware of some downsides, and the percentage of success for all of these methods. Here are the most important pros and cons of penile lengthening.
Advantages of Penile Lengthening

With the advancement of medical equipment and science overall, the first thing that you should know is that this type of surgery is safe, just like any other type of procedure. The main benefits of penile lengthening surgery are improved self-esteem and higher libido, better sexual life, and increased size of your penis. During the procedure, the doctors are not technically enlarging your organ, since they are only pulling out part of the penis and providing it a bigger appearance.
If you choose products like cream, lotion, patches, or pills for your penile lengthening, the main advantage is that these products are effortless to use, rather than surgery, which represents a complicated procedure. You have to be sure that the products you choose are from a reliable producer. The final result should be similar to when you go to the surgery, and you will get a bigger penis, improved confidence, and better sexual life.
A penis pump is another product that could help, and it comes in various shapes and sizes. During this method, you will have to connect the pump around your penis, which will create pressure that can help you with the lengthening process. Also, this method is the best for people who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Even though penile implants are not precise for lengthening, they could also add in size rather than for erectile dysfunction. Besides implants, extenders are one of the most popular methods for adding in length. During this process, the penis will gain a higher bloodstream, which can cause better erections and a bigger size. According to experts, this method has the highest rate of success.
If you are not interested in any products and are afraid of various medical procedures, you could try a more natural way of lengthening the penis exercises. During this process, you will need to use multiple exercises that will increase the bloodstream and length. You will also affect the muscles to become harder and more energetic, which will help you avoid premature ejaculation and many other issues.
All of these methods can help you with the process of enlargement, and the main benefit is an improved mental state. Many people are having problems with their size, which can affect other parts of life besides sexual. You will feel much more motivated, confident, and relaxed.
Are There Any Downsides?

When we speak about penile lengthening surgery, the chance for some complications is the same as with any other procedure, which means that there is a small chance for infections and other issues. However, there are cases where this surgery did not have any effect, and the size remained the same or with the only minor improvements.
Also, you could have scars that cannot be removed, which can irritate. Some possible downsides are also damaged nerves, pain, bleeding, and infection. Also, this procedure can cost a lot of money. The average cost of penile lengthening is more significant than 10,000$.
When it comes to pills, lotions, and similar products, you should be aware that there are many of these products on the market. Still, many of them will have no effects, which is the main reason why you should only look for products from reliable companies and stores. We can see many commercials everywhere about promising products, but most of them are unfortunately just scams.
According to the experience of many people, penis pumps will hardly help in the long term. Also, there is a chance for you to get hurt during this method by damaging nerves and blood vessels. In most cases, pumps are only useful as temporary help. On the other side, implants can have the same effects as the pump, but with improved effects. However, this method’s possible issues are the mutilated shape of the penis, a chance for a device to broke, and infection.
While penis extenders have a much smaller chance of causing any issue like some other methods, you need to be aware that you must wait for a long time for effects. You will need to wear extenders every day for at least 6 hours in a longer than 6 months, and that requires a lot of commitment. You should also consult with your doctor over which type of extender you should buy, and what material is safer, especially if you have any allergies and infections.
The natural exercises are maybe the most reliable way, but with the smaller effects, and more time needed. There is a chance for an injury in this method as well, and you should be careful and persistent to acquire enlargement this way.