The Runite Golem is one of the rarer creatures in OSRS when it comes to looting. These monsters have been a part of the game for some time now, though the area they inhabit is rather hard to reach. However, reaching it can help you pick up some rather unique loot to go along with your Old School Runescape Gold (OSRS Gold) which you can buy or sell from or similar sites if looting becomes too hard for you. So without further ado, let’s take a look at what loot you could get a hold of from Runite Golems.
What is a Runite Golem?

The Runite Golem can be found over in the Resource Area, which you will find beyond the Deserted Keep. By killing a Golem, you will earn a Rune Ore or Runite Rocks, which you will have to mines requires as quickly as possible, lest the rock Golem respawns, subsequently forcing you to repeat the process. You’ll need 85 mining guilds to kill them in time, which takes around a minute. So with this smithing skills point, you should be able to rack up around 60 kills per hour. After the Rune Golems disappears, it takes around 5 minutes the respawn time. Don’t worry as they are in short supply, seeing as there are only two of them in each of the world map.
Golems are vulnerable to melee attacks, particularly so to pickaxes, which will come in especially handy around here. If you managed to get to the player mining skill suggested, then you can expect to deal more damage with melee. Before, if you poisoned a Runite Golem, the rune rocks which it turned into would also be poisoned, meaning it would deal damage before disappearing. Thankfully, this was patched out a few years ago so it isn’t something that you will have to worry about.
What Weapon Should I Use on a Runite Golem?

Using a melee weapon on the Runite Golems is the best course of action to take. The dragons pickaxe can be particularly effective. Also, even though a rapier can be useful, we’d recommend a Wilderness Mace. You may have come across wilderness weapons such as Viggora’s Chainmace, and can be used to take down the Golems as you mine rocks your way through the area.
In case you are unfamiliar, Viggora’s Chainmace belongs to a human who was around in the Second Age. The lore states that following his demise, his mace was used in the God Wars by a Zamorak follower. If you find yourself in the Revenant Caves, then the mace can be discovered as a drop from one of the revenants within.
There is a requirement to use the mac, though. If you wish to wield it, you will need combat level 60 Attack Speed, and the perks it comes with are particularly handy. For example, it has a rather devastating passive effect when you wander around the Wilderness should you use a revenant ether to charge it with.
What Reward Will I Get For Looting 1,000 Runite Golems?

If you plan on attempting the popular method of looting 1,000 of these enemies, a trait you may have seen many other players doing with other monsters within OSRS, be wary; it will be a time-consuming effort. You can kill around 60 Runite Golems per hour, so you are looking at around a full day’s worth of work if you are to take down that many golems.
Doing so may not reap as many rewards, loot-wise, as a Rune Black Dragon, but it does leave you with 1,000 Runite Ores, since each Golem is worth 1 Rune Ore each. You should also get a total of around 11M if you combine the gems that you acquire.
Overall, the game doesn’t simply serve for you to slay monsters and collect Old School Runescape Gold (OSRS Gold). There is also a lot of grinding options for you to partake in. Looting Runite Golems does reap some decent rewards, if you are willing to put the time into it. Don’t forget, there are other Rune monsters out there for you to loot, just remember to keep in mind the methodology for each particular creature, and consider using Wilderness weapons wherever necessary. At the very end, make sure that you are well equipped. Improve your gaming experience with the newest gadgets on