Jen Selter is an Instagram model from the United States, now when you say Instagram model, a lot of other things can go into that, like social media personality and fitness model. Recently she has become extremely popular due to her Instagram profile and mostly because of pictures of her butt, that’s the main attraction of most of her pictures. All this has led to her getting to be on the cover of magazines like Muscle and Fitness, Vanity Fair, FHM and lots more. She even garnered media attention after just starting out on Instagram because of how young she was when she became successful. At the start of this year, she has around 13 million followers on Instagram, and the number just keeps increasing.

Early life
Her full name is Jennifer Leigh Selter, but her friends call her Jen. She was born on August 8, 1993, in Roslyn, New York, United States, but right now she lives in New York City. As far as her education background goes there isn’t much to go on; after finishing high school she went on to enroll into a cosmetology school and took a course on makeup. Jen decided not to attend college because she was of the opinion that college would be a waste of time unless you know exactly what you want to do with it and what you want to become.
She has a mother called Jill Weinstein, who has a different last name because she got remarried after divorcing her biological father, and a sister called Stephanie, who is also pretty much famous on Instagram.
A little known fact about Jen Selter is that she actually got a nose job when she was still only 15 years old. Her reasoning behind that was that all her friends got one at the same age, so she should get one too.
Her fitness modeling and fitness career, in general, began when she was just 17 years old after she started working at a local gym. She worked at the front desk and after seeing so many people improve themselves it gave her motivation to start exercising and after some time she saw lots of good results, especially in the buttocks region, which basically became her moneymaker.
In 2013, which were still the early years of Instagram, she started sharing her workouts and was showing people how her body was changing and showing off her good looks. Soon after she had got a couple of thousand followers. After getting to 500k followers she decided to quit her gym job and make Instagram her priority, which ended up being an extremely good decision. She started getting a lot of media attention and got into a lot of magazines. She even managed to get in the New York Post and Huffington Post.
Her Instagram profile started getting her other gigs and kickstarted her modeling career, which in turn brought her even more followers on Instagram. All that popularity started bringing in endorsement deals, with clothing companies, companies in the nutrition industry and many others. She also became a spokeswoman for Game Plan Nutrition. Some more famous companies she worked with are Nike, New Balance and Lululemon.

Jen Selter Net Worth 2019
With all those followers on Instagram and her modeling career being in full swing, she has an estimated net worth of around $4 million in 2019. Most of that money came from Instagram and what she earns when she promotes something on her posts. Another thing that also earns her a lot of money is her subscription-based business for fitness.