The Destiny 2 Weekly reset is important for those who want to make the most of the looted shooter Bungie – this is an opportunity for you to win all your fancy rewards by weekly resets, allowing you to return to your favorite activity and earn that sweet loot.
Until British clocks change, local British wardens will have to wait 18 hours for BST to see the weekly reset occur. In recent weeks, we have seen a slight instability of the server when the game is reset when Bungie applies. patches and changes up to Eververse.
So do not expect to come back in the match before 18:30, Paris time. Of course, Bungie may have streamlined the patch application process for this week – we’ll keep you informed as we learn more.
If you need to recap what to expect tonight: Each Tuesday, the following events and activities will have their progress and rewards reset and / or removed, so Guardians will want to complete all outstanding tasks before the match. on the rise.
- The Steps and Awards have been reset for Crucible Gambit Nightfall Flash Point Strikes Clan XP, Vex Incursion
- Progress of the raid and awards
- Invalid inventory
. Xur – make sure you have his most recent articles (he will come back with new articles Friday at 6 pm)
Keep reading for key details of what we hope to see appear in this week’s reset.

Oct. 22 – Weekly reset
In the image above, you can see everything you will need to mop up before 6 pm if you want to make the most progress this week.
There are three Nightfall tasks with special rewards that you can participate in, as well as a series of strike tasks with which you can also engage (play Strikes as an arc subclass). Arc to get items this week).
You may also want to jump into Leviathan to complete all outstanding raid tasks that it might be necessary to adjust.
Complete 8 bonuses for Shaxx, Zavala or Armorer will also bring you powerful equipment. Make sure to kill enough Vex for Ikora to reward you as well.
You will find the complete summary of what you need to accomplish at the following address: – The diligent Guardian that has collected all the key changes you need to know the past week. the picture above.
(Image: Activision)
Oct. 22 – Xur
As always, Xur is in the game until it is reset to sell you special exotic items (including the Telesto broken!) And provide you with exotic Engrams, if that’s your case. thing.
See the link to find Xur’s location this week.
We find the old sprawling face on Nessus, sipping good wines in the barge of the emperor. He sells:
• Telesto – Fusion Rifle – 29 Legendary Shards
• Dunemarchers – Leg Armor – 23 Legendary Shards
• Transversal Stages – Warlock Leg Armor – 23 Legendary Shards
• Shades of Galanor – Hunter’s Armor Gauntlet – 23 Legendary Shards

(Image: BUNGIE)
October 22 – Leviathan’s Breath
Starting this week, you can begin the exotic quest to catch Leviathan’s Breath – a very elegant and powerful bow.
Leviathan’s Breath Quest becomes available on October 22, after resetting, and can be launched by visiting Banshee-44 in the tower.
The Exotic Weapon is an arc of nothingness that lives in the Heavy slot and fires a huge bolt that can stagger unprotected enemies. A well fired shot will also leave a quick hit that will knock the enemies back.
This seems to us ripe for boss cheeses …
The quest steps are currently unknown, but we bet that they will be based on Leviathan and will have something to do with Calus. Because, well, it’s in the name.