“Sims 4”, University Life Augmentation pack is in rumours, probably it will be launched in upcoming days. The frenzy, trending Maxis series unleashed the spellbinding “Realm of Magic game pack for “Sims 4”. Players can wander via a magic portal to another realm and imbue their Sims with the Powers and Sims. Fans are excited about the life simulator of “Sims 4”.
“The Sims 4”, the life simulator game that imparts you the power to forge and control people. Experience the creativity, humor, escape, and the freedom to play with life in The Sims 4.

” The Sims 4″ is the fourth major title in the life simulation video game series “The Sims” developed by the Redwood Shores studio of Maxis and published by Electronic Arts, “The Sims 4” was originally announced on May 6, 2013, and was released in North America on September 2, 2014 for Microsoft Windows.
As per a report by TheGamer, a newTweet by rapper Beau Young Prince indicated a University Lifestyle expansion pack is coming to The Sims 4. The musician had previously tweeted a video showing him in a recording studio with the caption mentioning he was “Working on something big with the SIMS game,” and that led multiple fans to speculate the music was for the next iteration of the University pack. Almost two weeks later he replied to the original thread, stating “You guys guessed it right.”
It is not the first time a University expansion pack has rumoured to come in The Sims 4.
Fans captured some social media profiles of the new Sims 4 character, depicting a Sim as a top athlete at university. Other profile photo mentioned the photography profession, which was only added into the title with the recent Sims 4 Moschino Stuff Pack upgrade.
Even though there may be a lot of additional content, it can be pretty hard to identify which are the best Sims 4 expansion pack. Prior added content in the University Life series has been incredibly well-received by players and got high reviews from the game’s critics.
If those rumours turn out to be accurate, The Sims 4 might be going back to school soon.