Some companies don’t recognize the need to create a list of email addresses. The first launch of an advertising campaign should begin with email newsletters, which will facilitate the influx of new customers. Traffic will grow sharply, sales will increase, too, and users will begin to show more interest in the services that your company offers.

Manual vs Automated Emails Extraction
There are two ways to collect email addresses, automated one and manual one. The former requires special programs or Internet applications that are able to extract necessary addresses from various sources and documents.
Programs allow you to get email addresses that the company will use for its needs. The database of email addresses allows the mass distribution of information about the company, current promotions, or other events. Often, collected addresses are used to send spam and other data unnecessary to users.
Some software products are especially popular for the launch of an advertising campaign. One of the applications – Pro – is installed on a computer. It is enough to indicate a keyword by which customers can find your product. The program searches for results in Google, and on the results pages, you will see email addresses of potential subscribers. An alternative way is to use websites for analyzing and collecting data for a future database.
There is another application, called Parserr. It allows its users to retrieve email addresses over the Internet. At the same time, it is possible to configure the inbox folder for future use of collected email addresses. Thanks to database extracting rules, all addresses will be displayed in a convenient format. In this way, you will be able to provide potential customers with a newsletter with interesting information.
At first glance, collecting a database of email addresses manually may seem like a complicated and useless task. But this is not true. Such databases are difficult to collect if a company sells clothes or shoes, as goods necessary for everyone. In this case, there will be a lot of addresses, and without a special programs it will take a lot of time to collect information. While if you produce unique goods or offer certain services that are necessary for a small group of potential consumers, collecting email addresses manually will not be difficult. As a rule, they are available in the public domain. The search will take several hours, after which it will be possible to create a letter for sending. Users will receive the necessary information, and you, in turn, will receive more conversions and increased profits. It’s not so difficult to compile a welcome letter with a recommendation to subscribe to further newsletters and receive useful information. It is enough not to forget to indicate your site or other information for feedback so that a user can go there and study all the latest offers.

What You Get With Email Scrapper
A completed database of email addresses will allow the mass sending of information about promotions and commercial offers. These addresses must belong to users from your target audience, otherwise mass mailing will not make sense. Collecting of addresses from sites is necessary for commercial organizations and private entrepreneurs who carry out their activities online. Also, these data will facilitate offline activities.
Manual collecting of information can take a long time, while the use of special programs will help to create a database of customers who are interested in your services. The main advantages of the use of software for data collection are as follows:
- collecting a large number of email addresses;
- addresses of only potential buyers;
- minimum time costs;
- automation of the letter sending process;
- ability to track the history of actions.
Large companies use special programs to collect information, which provides rapid increase in traffic on their site.

Generating Letters to Customers
Systems may independently generate messages for sending out to users. They are used when transmitting information automatically, without outside interference. Letters are usually generated in the following cases:
- ordering food/goods online: a letter will contain an automatically generated confirmation form;
- booking hotels, plane or other tickets: confirmation will be sent by email;
- submitting a request on an online resource using a special form;
- requesting a report on specific user actions;
- using real estate services.
When letters are automatically generated, a user will receive the necessary information, after reading which he can go to the site for further actions.

Where to Find Email Addresses?
It’s not necessarily to have all data on a particular site. To create a mass mailing list, you can use a list of addresses from a picture, Excel document, or other source. Such information can be used to send reports on customers who have used your services. An example of this is the database of customers who used the services of sales representatives. Special programs will extract names and email addresses of clients from the received document and transfer them to a separate file. It can be either an Excel document or any other format convenient for the ads manager.
Disadvantages of Buying an Email Addresses Database
Many people may have heard that you can buy a database of email addresses and use it for your own purposes. This method is not legal and is unlikely to increase the company’s revenue.
If a user doesn’t consent to receive newsletters, then it will be forwarded to spam folder, and he is unlikely to read any of the messages. To agree, a user must tick a corresponding box during registration on a site or voluntary subscribe to it via a special form.
The purchased database may contain many invalid addresses that have not been used by customers for years. Such data will not facilitate the growth of sales of your company.
A generalized list of addresses will also not increase traffic. It is important to have exactly potential customers’ emails. Users will not be ready for contact and feedback, so it is important to select the addresses of those customers who are 100% interested in your services.

Collecting a database of email addresses involves regular communication with customers. A user will receive a letter weekly or monthly, after which he can follow links and study promotional or other offers from the company. Don’t bother your customers too much, since this can lead to unsubscriptions. The most important news, collected in one letter, will help increase the number of visits to your resource, which will lead to the growth of conversion. Surveys, useful tips and other information that can interest a client is the best way to improve relationships with your target audience. For building a database of potential customers in a short time try