America is a country that’s known for the amazing talent for show business, and one wise businessman once said: “There’s no other business like show business”. Watching television is a great way to relax after a hard day of work, and it’s something that many of us have been doing for years.
What kind of content you’re watching doesn’t matter, because we all have a different purpose when we sit in front of the TV. Some of us like to relax and wind off for a while, while others want to learn things visually, so they focus on watching educational content exclusively.
In today’s article, were going to focus talk shows because they’re something that managed to gather a lot of audience throughout the years, and there are a lot of popular ones out there. However, we’re not going to focus exclusively on the talk shows, but on the hosts instead.
Many of us are aware that the host is the one who makes the show worthy of watching, so we decided that now during the quarantine is the perfect time to give these people some recognition and the fame they deserve. We are already focusing on famous hosts, so fame won’t be much of a factor here, but the more people recognize their talent the better it is. Let’s take a look.
5. Morton Downey Jr.

Although this talk show host isn’t really popular for all the great things he did, he managed to cause a lot of buzz in the show business world. He was the host of numerous shows, and he even had his one called the Morton Downey Junior show which he managed to start at the age of 55. This happened back in October 1987.
Morton Downey Jr. is a person was known on television as the angry host who did a lot of controversial things. After some time, when people got to know his dark side, they stopped watching him, but that wasn’t the case for everyone. Throughout his career he managed to become a nation of phenomena, and even though some people dislike him, he had a huge fan base that supported everything he did and say.
4. Larry King

Even if you’re not from America, chances are that you heard about Larry King before. He is a very popular host who is known for his TV show called Larry King Live. Some people think that this person did a lot of mistakes on purpose during his shows to gain popularity, but whether this is true or not we cannot say for sure. However, there was one time when he managed to confuse the person next to him to a person who was no longer alive for quite some time, so we can’t say if this was on purpose or not.
It doesn’t matter how he managed to achieve the same since in this article we’re talking about popularity in general, and we believe that Larry King deserves a spot on this list.
He is the proof that TV did showcase some extraordinary people. Even though nowadays, we use to see television as passé, you still don’t want to miss it as there are a lot of great shows, according to, a company that helps people with their TV sets and everything about it.
3. Larry Sanders

There’s just something about the name Larry and popularity because every person who has this name seems to be a great talk show host. Larry Sanders is known for his show that’s named after himself, and for all the amazing guests that he managed to invite during his career. The Larry Sanders show managed to run for more than six years, and throughout this time it was nominated for many rewards. It’s pretty safe to say that this person did a really good job of running something really interesting to watch in the late-night hours.
If you ever want to re-watch some episodes or you’re interested in staying in touch with the latest American talk shows, you should consider visiting and setting up an aerial if you haven’t already.
2. David Letterman

David Letterman is a person who has a very interesting history, as well as a few pretty serious medical procedures that he went through, but none of that stopped him to become one of the best talk show hosts of all time.
In his show he managed to invite a lot of very interesting guests and celebrities, and one of his most famous videos that you can find on the Internet is the episode when he invited Joaquin Phoenix, an actor recently known for his amazing performance in the movie The Joker. His show was broadcasted on Midnight TV, but if you’ve missed some of his episodes, you can find a lot of the content on the Internet, on platforms such as YouTube.
Compared to some of the other shows that we’ve listed above, there hasn’t been much drama on this one, although there were a few very surprising and interesting moments. We’re not going to spoil anything for you, as you should re-watch some of these things if you haven’t already.
1. Oprah Winfrey

At this point almost everyone has heard about Oprah and her show, and even though most of us have watched all of the episodes, we still cannot finish this list without adding her on the first spot. Oprah Winfrey currently has a huge net worth of almost $3 billion, which is a number that’s more than enough to speak about her success.
We cannot think of any popular and interesting celebrity that hasn’t been on her show already, as she managed to invite so many cool people throughout the years of her career. Also, she managed to receive a lot of rewards both for her performance and her show in general. The Oprah Winfrey show received about 16 daytime Academy Awards and went down in history as one of the most successful talk shows in the entire world.
There are so many things that you can watch on television these days, but talk shows remain one of the best. There are so many choices when it comes to watching this type of content, but the overall quality will always depend on the ability of the host to lead, communicate, and entertain every person behind the TV screens. Of course, the entire production team has a lot of impact on the quality of the show, but the host is the most significant factor.