Low level light therapy, also known as LLLT is a scientifically studied therapy. After lasers were discovered in the 1960’s, the interest in using these devices to help treat medical conditions skyrocketed. This technology has evolved immensely in the last decades and scientists and medical professionals have used this therapy to treat various medical conditions. This light therapy was once studied on animals and after great success was transferred to human use. Both men and women have greatly benefitted from this technology over time, and the advancements keep evolving as time progresses.

What is Low Level Light Therapy?
LLLT is a technology that was first used for chemotherapy to treat cancer patients suffering from hair loss. Today, it is used for many other reasons including age and genetically induced hair loss, chronic neck pain, arthritis, wound healing, and back pain. This light therapy utilizes photons in the light, which penetrate the tissue of the skin. For example, in hair loss patients, the light therapy penetrates the scalp tissues and absorbs the weakened cells. By doing this, the cells are encouraged to regrow in the problematic area because of the increased blood flow to the tissue. In hair loss patients, blood flow is increased in the scalp area, promoting new hair growth in the hair follicles.
The use of low level light therapy is non-invasive and involves no chemicals. This is one of the many reasons that scientists and medical professionals argue that it is a much better alternative than the invasive/surgical treatments available. This technology allows patients to improve their quality of life with little to no effort. As for hair loss patients, they are able to bring back their hair follicles to their healthiest stage by using this therapy.

How is Low Level Light Therapy Used for Hair Loss?
The hair loss industry is fully utilizing low level light therapy and the benefits it provides for their hair loss patients. Medical professionals in this industry use this technology to provide these individuals other options to treat their hair. The use of wigs and hair transplants are put on the back burner and men and women are fully encouraged to try this treatment.
Low level light therapy works to restore the hair growth cycle on the scalps of men and women. The hair growth cycle is separated into three different stages. These stages consist of the anagen, catagen, and telogen stage and each have their own specific function. The anagen stage is the growing phase of the hair cycle. This means that your hair is constantly growing during this stage. Approximately 90% of the average individual’s hair follicle remains in the anagen stage. After this stage, the hair then moves to the catagen stage. This is also known as the transitional stage of the growth cycle. It transitions the hair between the growth and resting stage. Next, the hair will transition into the telogen stage, also known as the resting stage. This can last anywhere from two to three months. After the resting stage is completed, the hair dies off and falls out. From there, the cycle starts all over. As you can imagine, hair follicles that spend the majority of their time in the anagen phase will produce longer/thicker hair. The opposite is true with the telogen phase. If an individual’s hair follicles spend most of their time in the resting stage, they are more likely to experience thinning or baldness.
Men and women who are experiencing baldness or hair thinning are more likely to use low level light therapy. This therapy penetrates the scalps tissue and encourages new hair growth to the existing follicles by encouraging the hair shaft to remain in the anagen phase for a longer period of time. This process can take up to several months depending on how severe the hair loss is on the head.

Devices That Use Low Level Light Therapy
The hair growth industry, as mentioned above, is an industry that has produced devices and products around this therapy. Several companies in this industry have recently developed a laser hat for hair growth. This laser cap is designed for both men and women. Many of the devices on the market are FDA-cleared, meaning there are no known side effects and have been proven to be safe and effective to use. These laser caps are also designed for at home use making it convenient for users to perform the treatment in the comfort of their own home. Treatment can also be done while performing other tasks such as cleaning the house or running errands.
These laser hair growth caps are to be worn every other day for a specific amount of time. The low level light therapy is ejected from the cap onto the scalp tissue. As stated earlier, the light therapy then encourages new hair growth by increasing blood flow and circulation to the balding and thinning areas. This promotes new hair growth in these areas and help men and women get their hair back to its thickest, healthiest stage. You can learn more here.
Is LLLT Effective?
Yes. Low level light therapy has been scientifically proven to be extremely effective in helping various medical conditions in both men and women. The best part about this treatment is that it is non-invasive and pain free. There are no chemical injections or insertions and no cutting of the skin to perform the treatment. As technology and time progress, the benefits and use for this treatment will only continue to grow and prosper.

Since the 1960’s, low level light therapy has delivered promising results in the medical field. The science behind this treatment is incredible. Specifically, in hair loss patients, this technology has allowed men and women to regrow their hair that they once thought was gone forever. It has allowed individuals to regain hope and boost back their confidence that was lost throughout their hair loss journey. Technology is beautiful and using it to its full capacity is where the medical field has seen outstanding results. It is exciting to see where this therapy will go from here.