It is known that over 10 to 40% of infants (more boys and girls) are affected by this case called colic and it can be a stressful and scary time for parents, especially first-time mothers.

Definition of Colic?
Colic is known to be what happens when a (presumably) healthy baby cries excessively for no traceable reason or cause for crying. It is characterized by inordinate crying for a prolonged period within a day/week or month. Oftentimes it starts when the baby is about 2-3 weeks old and ends when the baby is about as old as 16-18 weeks of age although it can happen in babies older than 18 weeks. Although it is upsetting and scary it is not believed to be dangerous or have any long-term consequences/ effects for / under the baby. That is to say the babies with colic will eat and grow ordinarily.
POINTS TO REMEMBER: not every excessive prying his colic. Sometimes it could be a medical issue like an ear infection, dehydration, stomach pain etc. In these cases we tend to notice a decrease in feeding, loss of appetite and sometimes a fever of 100 Fahrenheit and above. It is of is seek immediate medical attention if this is the case with your baby.

Factors Causing Colic
There are so many factors that consist colic and it immediately boils down to a discomfort in a baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Here are some factors that causes colic:
- Parents eating habits or breast milk: the main cause of colic is usually unknown but many things contribute to the condition and that includes breastfeeding parents’ diet. There are some kinds of food that has a way of making your baby feel very restless. Even allergies to certain substance like cow milk or dairy products are very common in causing GI tract problems and leading to college-like symptoms. If you are breastfeeding mother whose baby seem to experience the symptoms, it is advised that you try changing your diet by eliminating certain items like dairy products from your diet. You can ask your doctors for some probiotics to also help reduce symptoms of colic in your infant. It will take about a week to see changes however remember that breast milk or breast feeding is never the cause of colic.
- Forceful feeding habits: sometimes a large amount of milk tends to flow out to the baby’s mouth leaving the baby no choice then to gulp it down to keep up with the flow. What this does is trap air in your baby’s stomach leading to gas accumulation and pain.

Coping With Colic
- Respond quickly: ever heard of the saying ‘time is money’? Well in this case, time is health. It is believed that showering your child with so much attention can spoil them but this is a myth. Responding to your child the right way does not encourage their tantrums but instead makes them feel safe and secure. This assures them that they can trust you and also strengthens the bond between both of you.
- Help your baby belch: this means gently patching your babies back whilst they rest on your shoulders to relieve them of excess gas in via system. Burping is always a great option when trying to relieve your child of air trapped in their system.
- Hold your baby: this will aid easing off your child. Babies with colic often have a need to feel comforted and held. A simple act of holding your baby over their stomach can do the trick. Remember however that if your baby has reflux or gas, it is better to hold them upright to help keep the content in their stomach down.
- Promote alternate sucking options: research has shown that sucking has a tendency of calming infants, however it is not expected for a baby to eat all the time else they get overfed. What is the way to get the best of both worlds besides giving your baby a pacifier? It not only calms them down but it also ensures that they’re not being overfed. Please do note that this option is suitable for babies over 4 weeks old.
- It called environment is definitely an amazing way to ensure their child is not externally stimulated and prevent further distress. Little things like turning down the lights, decreasing the volume of the television, or even decreasing movements round the house can go a long way in making sure that your baby is not consistently stimulated externally.
- Swaddling your baby in a blanket or gentle movements like rocking your baby back and forth helps your baby statal less, feel secure and sleep better. A change in scenery also can help your baby better concentrate on the beauty of nature rather than their distress syndrome. This is also good for you because it gives you an opportunity to take a breath of fresh air.
- If you use baby formula, you may want to consider a special baby formula. Such baby formula cannot be used without the consent of your pediatrician. These products are specially designed to help your baby feel better. To learn more about these formulas, check the website

I would wrap up by given this uncommon yet important advice: take care of yourself. Having a baby however a beautiful journey is a difficult one as well. Having a distressed baby is not only frustrating but it’s also physically and emotionally draining. From trying to comfort your child for hours to constant worrying and feelings of disappointment, stress and helplessness, it is very easy to forget that your inability to care for yourself and take a break isn’t just detrimental to you but to your baby as well.
- Treat yourself tenderly and don’t blame yourself for what’s happening to your baby. it is not your fault
- Take periodic breaks. you can ask a relative, friend, or anybody that you know you can trust to help watch over your baby whilst you have a moment to yourself and walk away. within this. You can run yourself a shower, the trip to the grocery store, or just enjoy nature.
- Eat and sleep properly. Taking care of a baby with colic requires a huge amount of energy and energy can only come when you eat and sleep properly. so, whenever you can make sure to squeeze in time for a quick power nap and a healthy nutritious meal. Remember health is wealth.
- Walk away when it becomes a bit overwhelming and overbearing for you. It doesn’t mean you’re weak, it just means that you are human.