From creating and launching WoW, back in 2004, nothing has ever been the same when it comes to gaming. Since then, many patches and expansions have only added to the overall hype, by adding more content to the already perfect game. Almost everything is at your disposal as you can do so many things and not just fighting and completing the quests. If someone wants to chat and meet other players, try a new class, go fishing, flying, etc. it’s all available, as well as treasure hunting and getting that much-needed gold. If you want more in-depth information on buy wow gold, you should read this article from lootwowgold.
Since we don’t live in the ideal world, there are also some problems and things in WoW that players don’t like and would like to change.
1. Time-sensitive quest
Although having a certain amount of time for completing the quest can bring even more passion to the mission, but many players think that this feature is unnecessary, and many of them experience pure fury when this is mentioned. Add some battle action while chasing something and racing to complete the quest on time, and having to choose to either try to outrun that or fight, and you will find yourself spending a couple of hours to achieve it. Failing multiple times also doesn’t make gamers feel better about it, but once more, it does spice things up when you race against the clock.

2. PvP Issues
It is a part of the game that seems to receive hardly any new content, and it has been several years since any new ground and arenas were added. Because of this, more than 20% of players quit playing WoW in the past two years, demanding that the game developers bring back PvP vendors and PvP rewards.
3. Skills and training (weapon)
It may seem like a fundamental feature, but that need and urge to be positive that someone was not just trained but also leveled when hitting things with either bladed or blunt objects was and still is pretty standard practice. Those not aware of all of this probably ask themselves what is the fuss all about, but to clarify – think of the modern world of warcraft trade skills with a 1/300 bar, and every time player train (swing) with the object/weapon, it contributes to this particular skill. And to answer why this is so important, it’s because the more skill someone has, the more likely is to hit the “enemy” and vice versa – when your skill with some weapon is low, than your opponent can easily dodge the strike, or you can completely miss him. A situation like this often happens after the player changes the weapon that he or she used for some time, and try and go to the next quarry with the different armament.
If this happens and you in the middle of the fight, there are two ways to overcome this problem:
- Change your weapon to the one you used before
- If you sold it or currently don’t have it, then practice makes it perfect.

4. Costs
There are some of the things that players could get by achieving something, or completing the quest can now be bought for actual money, which is something the majority does not appreciate. It’s not all about the cost of the game, and players who played the game from the beginning think that by being able to buy some things, the game loses its original satisfaction. The same is with all the free stuff available for doing simple tasks, which was not possible with previous versions.
5. No indicators and vague quest information
Of course, this doesn’t apply to every quest, but there are still some of them with this problem. It is a huge difference when the player has direct orders and goals of the mission and doesn’t have to wander around thinking about what should the next move be, where to search for somebody to give them a note, etc. It is quite frustrating when someone spends hours searching for a solution, only because of the vague quest description.

6. Addiction
Wow has a high media coverage claiming that people who play it develop some kind of addiction. Since this game can’t be completed and one can play as much as she or he wants, it is quite clear why that’s the case. Most of the players are aware of this and agree that they spend more time playing it than they should, but only for the minority of them can be said that they are addicted to the game. In some opinions, WoW with its chat interface only brings people together as the players also use it to socialize.
7. “Errand boy” quests
It happens a lot, especially to inexperienced players, and picking several quests without enough baggage space can make your virtual life even more difficult. When and not if this happens, choosing in which order to finish the quests and which one to complete first will make you feel frustrated.
Having “Take that thing there” or “bring that from there” type of quests make you feel like an errand boy, and not enough bag space is only the cherry on top of the cake.

8. Party finder option
Again, the problem is with the latest versions of the game, where playing online as a party or group is almost impossible. It’s all because the developers chose to remove the party finder option, and the players feel that happened because when someone plays alone, it takes more time to achieve and progress through the game.
9. Bag space
As a newbie, not having large bag space (16 slots) will not affect your game, but give it time. This problem often occurs as you advance higher level gear and cloth. Depending on the chosen character and the items gathered through quests, combined with the food needed for healing and herbs for making potions, having not enough slots is an everyday problem. Agonyslhy choosing between items and deciding which one would suit you the most, and which are necessary for the future is troublesome. But, there are occasions where additional bags drop from low-level enemies.

10. Latency issues
It is something that almost every player of MMO (massively multiplayer online) game is familiar with, and it all happens when there is a delay between game reaction and the user’s action. The newest WoW version was not that well-received or supported, and more and more people are quitting or switching to another game because of this constant problem.
Just like in regular life, there is always something to improve, to do better, and the same is with this game. Although the recent comments and players’ opinion has not been so kind to the latest version of the game, the thrill of playing WoW still exist, and it may never leave us.