Being healthy means giving up certain pleasant habits that are very common in our society, such as consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and some drugs, limiting your need for food intake only and choosing those who are least at risk to endanger the body, fight stress and lifestyle stay.

Alcohol is one of the oldest substances with the ability to change behavior. Alcoholism is not a natural disease but a chronic behavior disorder that can occur to anyone and as a result of a strong addiction to alcoholic drinks and frequent and excessive intake. If you want to get more information about those disorders, check out this website.
Alcohol has always been the most talked-about drink, weighing very high in ancient times as a drug and is considered as such in many environments, but it has been known primitively as a dangerous drug, because of this prosecution there have been several attempts to call people to keep their consumption under strict control. To this day, great solutions that have proven and justified the multipurpose function of alcohol as energy, stimulant, intoxicating, and toxic have not yet been discovered.
WHO decided in 1964 to replace the concept of drug mania with dependence. According to WHO, alcoholics will become excessive drinkers whose dependence on alcohol will reach a certain level resulting in psychological disorders, somatic complications, and/or conflict in their interpersonal relationships.

The difference between alcohol abuse and addiction is very slight. Abuse means incorrect consumption and addiction begins with it, or simply consuming alcohol. You can consume alcohol without having an addiction, but this can arise from frequent consumption. Addicted is the person unable to control their desire to drink. The dividing line between consumption and dependence is crossed when alcohol is no longer used for fun, when life focuses on the need to consume it and the addiction is physical, psychological or both. Being physically addicted means that the body becomes dependent on alcohol and if you stop consuming it the person experiences a withdrawal syndrome.
When we talk about how to overcome alcohol abstinence we are referring to a way to be able to counter and stop all that series of symptoms, physical and psychological, which occur a few hours after an alcoholic stops the intake of alcohol and which, in many cases, represents one of the main reasons for relapses. We are also referring to a rehab clinic that is able to help people with alcohol addiction so they can get away from the addiction gradually.
In fact, more and more people, including alcoholics themselves, who want to know how to overcome alcohol abstinence as facing this phase, especially alone, exposes the person to considerable inconvenience to which he cannot always resist and prefers to resume drinking, as it is the only way he knows to feel “good”.

Alcohol abstinence, in fact, is characterized by physical symptoms such as tremors, sweating, abdominal pain, heaviness in the legs and a whole series of psychological manifestations, such as mood swings, difficulty sleeping, nervousness, and depression, which are a symptom well evident of a well-established condition of dependence on alcohol.
Among the physical signs, there is also a feeling of weakness or discomfort when trying to quit drinking, changes in sleeping time, changes in eating habits with weight increase or loss, and a progressive increase in the amounts or frequency of alcohol consumption, to achieve the same effect. Psychological addiction occurs when the desire to drink alcohol is psychological or emotional, and consuming it exceeds the person’s will. Among the psychological signs are consumption as a way to forget problems or to relax, loss of interest in activities that were previously important, problems with school or work performance, relating to consumers, constant thoughts regarding obtaining alcohol and depressive, anxious, or angry states.
By the time a person decides to stop drinking, he already knows that he will have to face these inconveniences, but often the willpower in wanting to solve this problem is so strong that he psychologically prepares himself for what awaits them.

As soon as the abstinence crisis occurs, the person begins to feel a sort of reminder that pushes him to want to still drink alcohol, so as not to suffer any discomfort but, thanks to his determination, he can resist.
Over the hours, craving (obsessive desire) begins to be much more pressing and the person, in many cases, begins to waver and think he cannot manage to do it, starting to consider giving up and going back to drinking. But it resists.
When the withdrawal symptoms become particularly strong, a question begins to take shape in the person’s mind: “How to overcome alcohol withdrawal?”, “What to do to feel better?”.
In many cases, the person finds an answer in the drugs (especially substitutes), which allow them to feel a certain sense of “relief” and to have a little respite from that sense of malaise. But once the effect is over, everything returns as before.

The risk of this solution is that the person starts to resort to certain substances, until he develops an addiction that will take the place of what he was trying to solve, giving way to a vicious cycle that can have very serious consequences.
Today, there are many experts who specialize in a method that allows you to solve the problem of how to overcome alcohol abstinence in an absolutely easy way, without resorting to drugs, psychotropic drugs, or substitutes, so as to help the person not to suffer excessively. Some of them are members of the Harley Str Alcohol Detox Organisation.
Some procedures are based on 24-hour assistance, by specialized personnel, the intake of exclusively natural products (vitamins and calories based on calcium and magnesium), in order to avoid causing further dependence, and a whole series of specific assistance for the body, able to help the person to release the tension accumulated in this phase.

Thanks to the procedures, all withdrawal symptoms are drastically reduced, the person manages to regain the first form of psychophysical balance, but above all, he will have begun to turn his attention towards more positive thoughts.