If you’ve ever found yourself in the company of a person in the middle of their favorite PC game session, you’re probably aware that there’s less risk of killing yourself by jumping out of a fifth-floor window than annoying a gamer. The circle of admirers of this hobby (and often business) keeps expanding every day, new expansions are being produced constantly and this is slowly but surely becoming one of the most popular spheres. At the same time, since such activity usually requires attention, strategy, focus and optimal conditions, anything that goes wrong might result in stress and nervousness. Regardless of the type of game, most of those who spend time in front of the screen on a daily basis could immediately list at least a few things that get on their nerves regarding this. For more details check PulseLabz.
So, if you’ve ever wondered what not to do (or to do) to drive a gaming fanatic crazy, this is the right text for you.
1. Unstable internet connection
This doesn’t have to be such a terrible circumstance for games that don’t need the Internet to be played – many of them function without any connection to the Internet. However, when your agility and speed in the game, as well as the whole participation in it, depend on the strength and overall condition of the connection, then it’s basic.
The moment you see ‘connection lost’ or any similar message on your screen in the middle of the session, especially if it’s a significant one, could have various consequences. Not only does it cost nerves but it can also affect the ranking and much more. Because of this, you’ll rarely come across a person who deals with this and has poor quality internet at the same time. It’s simply something they don’t want to risk at any time.

2. Cheating
Cheating is present in many spheres of life – in love, gambling, but also in this aspect. Anyone who has played a popular online video game that has a competitive element for at least some time has certainly bumped into a cheater at least once.
Whether it’s a virtual sniper bullet that seems to be too precise, a player teleporting to any part of the map, or an enemy who can predict each and every move of yours, cheating affects the overall experience. Some of the most popular brands fight against cheaters in interesting ways, as cheating becomes an increasing problem.
The mere fact that they do things in a fair, but imperfect way, and that someone on the other side of the screen uses privileges and tricks, is enough to upset the player. Especially if they really do their best to perform their every move as well as they can. Depending on what’s being played, many individuals use bots, various types of codes and thus achieve results that help them reach a certain title or result.

3. Slow progress
Yes, this happens, too. Not everyone is super talented nor does everyone manage to slay right away. Some people need time to work everything out. So, it’s very clear why this is something that causes nervousness, anger and rage in many who are affected by this problem. Worst of all, in addition to nerves, they also lose benefits achieved, their performance quality is poor and thus some of them simply lose their motivation.
Luckily, there are some pretty cool ways to enhance the performance anyway, as many companies and some online websites offer certain boosts that help players level up easily – for example, boosthive.eu. On places like this it’s possible to find various boosts for many games, including WoW power leveling and much more. That way you can’t do wonders, but it will help you achieve much better results.

4. Faulty equipment
Quality and durable equipment are one of the main prerequisites for a great game and demonstration of skills. No one can do well if the mouse click doesn’t work properly, if the arrow buttons on the keyboard are broken or if there’s no good and clear image on the screen.
Even the greatest care about the components is sometimes not enough, and it happens that certain parts ‘fail’ or simply stop working completely. If someone is totally unlucky, this will happen right in the middle of an important session when it’s the most undesirable moment for this to emerge.
These sudden damages can hardly be influenced since many come unannounced – but that doesn’t diminish the fact that this is one of the worst circumstances that can befall someone who deals with this. After all, some even break certain components in the heat of battle or rage – they break them against the wall, hit them on the table and thus only contribute to an even worse outcome. Should we mention how much the degree of their anger grows in such cases? Oh, you don’t want to know!

5. High lag
Have you heard of lag? Well, even if you didn’t, your gamer friends will know what we’re talking about. In online gaming, lag means a noticeable delay between the command and its manifestation in the game. It’s actually a delay in communication between the server and the player, that is, there’s a large time gap between two sent or received packets.
This is manifested to the players by the fact that the image on the screen isn’t displayed properly, but it freezes or it’s late. The bigger the lag, the more it’s late. This can occur for several reasons – high ping, poor player or server settings, etc.
So, you can imagine how it feels when someone’s trying to do an important or a key quest in the session and keeps experiencing this latency. So annoying that they almost wish they could smash the whole computer to the ground or throw the monitor out the window! And how could we even blame them – we feel the same when we watch a movie on our laptop and it simply stops buffering!

6. Moralizing
Lastly, we’ve come to perhaps one of the most common and irritating things that all those who have chosen this as their hobby or as their job face. As it’s often difficult for people to understand that someone can really make a lot of money in this way, players often encounter much lecturing and grumbling.
How many times have you heard: ‘what a geek, just staring at that screen’, ‘why doesn’t he find the right job?’ ‘they’re just wasting their free time’ and other similar remarks? Although it seems like that, the gaming job requires extreme concentration and effort, and most of them feel quite stupid and annoyed when they’re forced to listen to such remarks.
Of course, there’s no difference even with those who do this recreationally – they listen to the grumbling of their friends and family so often, that it’s simply difficult to stay calm. The fact that a lot of people see it as a waste of time, and that they aren’t able to explain to them why it attracts them so much, causes a feeling of intolerance and often leads to discussions.