Studying abroad is an extraordinary factor to complete the educational program of any student. There are many things that you will already know before you venture to study outside the borders of your country. But you should be prepared for more than just language or culture. With proper preparation, it can be one of the best experiences of your life.
In this article, we will tell you things you should know before you study abroad in the USA and many of that can apply to studying in any country which is not your motherland.
The first week is the most complicated
It is not important whether it is the United States, Great Britain or Canada. Everything is new. New city, new culture, need to make new friends. A person always needs time to get used to this new environment. For this reason, the first week is always the most difficult for any student.
However, don’t confuse the complicated term with having a negative experience. This experience is always positive because it is part of personal growth and your ability to overcome. In addition, the rest of the students who are taking the course are in the same situation as you. They have the same needs and are open to new experiences and to receive your support by offering theirs at the same time.

It is impossible to plan absolutely everything before you leave
Another thing to know before studying abroad is that you cannot plan absolutely everything before going there. Some students want to carry the entire itinerary, knowing all the excursions they are going to take and all the places they are going to visit.
However, do not forget that you are going abroad to live a new experience. Let yourself go and let yourself be surprised by the things that the country can offer you.
You will have good days and bad days
Studying abroad is one of the best experiences that can be lived in life. But as in all experiences, you will have good days and bad days. Although generally the experience as a whole is very positive for the majority of the students, there may be bad days. You just have to understand that it is normal for there to be fluctuations in your mood. The support of your friends and family will help you overcome these difficulties.

About USA
The United States is a constitutional federal republic that is made up of fifty states and a federal district. More than 316 million inhabitants live in it and it is the fourth country with the largest total area in the world. Due to its geographical extension and the enormous number of immigrants it has always received, the United States is one of the most diverse places at the ethnic and cultural level.
Since the interwar period, and even before, the United States has had a very important global presence and participation, establishing itself as the leading power in the world for its economic and technological development. Today, it is one of the most powerful countries on the planet and, therefore, one of the favorite destinations for many immigrants seeking a better quality of life.
Its capital is Washington, D.C., which is located in the District of Colombia and its official language is English, although numerous languages are spoken due to the high presence of foreigners in the country.
Anyone who want to enter the United States to continue their professional studies, whether they are undergraduate or graduate, must take into account the requirements for entering the country, as well as the necessary documentation if they want to enter as international students.
In the first instance, those who want to access one of the American universities must apply to the institution. This is the first step that must be carried out before organizing the trip, because if it is not accepted, the visa will not be granted as students.
To enter the United States as a student, there are three types of visa: the M-1, for vocational or non-academic education; F-1, for institutes, universities, conservatories and language courses and J-1, for exchange programs. Although the procedure varies minimally for the type of visa, it can be done following the same process. This can be a very tricky process, so we advise you to seek help from reliable sites, like who also provide details related to TN visa.

The process to obtain the visa consists of the following steps:
-Obtain the form corresponding to the visa to be applied for. This document must be provided by the study center that accepts the student
-Register with SEVIS, a system that centralizes information for international students in the United States.
-Contact the US embassy to apply for your visa
-Request an interview at the embassy to authorize your visa. Before the interview, they will tell you what documents you must present to the consulate
-Pay the visa application fee
After the interview, which is the last step in the process, you will receive a notification from the embassy where you will know whether or not they will grant you the document.
There is a great offer of student accommodation in the United States. This varies depending on the tastes and needs of each, as well as the time you want to stay in the country. The foreign student may choose to stay within the university, as long as the study house offers this option or choose to rent a place, such as an apartment or a room in a student residence.
Due to the high demand and high prices of accommodation sites, it is recommended to find a place to stay before making the trip. Those who cannot find a place within the university to stay can rent a space outside the campus. The cheapest are the so-called homestay, accommodation in an American family home. This type of practice is very common among students and saves money and at the same time becomes familiar with the routines and customs of the place.

Types of universities and colleges
The education system in America differs from Europe, because in some features it is more flexible, and in some more rigid, and that upsets students. What is certain is that America is more expensive to study than Europe, so that should be kept in mind. What educational institutions exist in America?
Community College – a one-year or two-year undergraduate course after which a student can transfer to a university or college. Tuition here is not high, standard around $ 8000 per year.
College – A four-year private or public college where tuition can be from 16 to 50 thousand dollars, and functions as a four-year undergraduate study in Europe.
Universities – four-year undergraduate and one-year or two-year Master’s studies, where tuition can be from 20 to 60 thousand dollars. Public universities are generally cheaper than private ones. State universities have tuition fees of about $ 20,000 with scholarships and are a frequent choice of our students.
Ivy League Universities – Eight universities in Northeast America that combine sports with higher education: Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and Yale University. It is difficult to enroll, excellent results are needed, and tuition fees are around 60 thousand dollars.

Sports scholarships
Young athletes are the target group when it comes to funding further education in America. There are a number of athlete scholarship programs in America by organizations and people with years of experience in helping young athletes and talents who want to continue their training in the United States.
We wish you good luck in this endeavor, which will be one of the most important in your life. And the information you read here will surely make the whole process easier for you.