Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition when the blood clot gets formed in the deep veins causing various health issues. Most people first notice the discoloration of the legs since this is usually the area most affected, but in case that the blood clot forms it can travel throughout the body causing some great damages and even in some cases be fatal. It is important to get the right treatment as soon as you notice the swelling in your leg or both legs, the warmth of that particular part, tenderness, and a different color than usual. In this case, medications are necessary. However, there are some ways to prevent DVT from happening.
1. Ask for medications
Anticoagulant medications, known also as blood thinners, are medications that can help your body to stop blood clot formation which is crucial for avoiding all range of health issues. These medications actually interfere with our body’s natural reaction making it longer, which prevents fast coagulation. Some of the medications that are used to treat this condition are Eliquis, you will find it on site, Pradaxa, and a few others. Perhaps the most known medication that is used for years is aspirin. Keep in mind that you need to consult with your doctor about any treatment before taking medications. The dosage is very important and can only be prescribed by a doctor.

2. Exercise
Exercising is very important for health. If you spend at least half an hour a day doing some light exercising, it will do wonders for your body and for your health in general. Not only you will manage your weight, which is a major factor for clot formation, but you will also let the blood flow freely. You can ride a bicycle, swim, do yoga or Pilates or simply go for a walk at least once a day. You can read this article to know more about how yoga can boost your immunity. These activities are fun and won’t take too much of your time, but you will notice the difference in the way you feel pretty fast.
3. Quit smoking
Smoking is harmful, there is no doubt about that. It actually impacts the blood cells making them more prone to form clots. This is the main reason why it is necessary to stop smoking so you can protect your health and prevent any possible health issues, including DVT. With so many methods to quit smoking, you can try the one that you are most comfortable with. There are gums, patches, and even hypnosis. Nothing is impossible if you decide that it is time to combat this bad habit.

4. Check the blood pressure regularly
One of the symptoms of DVT is high blood pressure. This is why it is necessary to keep a close eye on the numbers. Track the pressure for a while and then inform your doctor about all the possible changes. This is crucial for a proper and timely reaction in case there are problems appearing. Seek your doctor’s advice about how often you need to check your pressure and make sure you write down the values.
5. Avoid long period of stillness
If you tend to sit many hours because of your work or drive for hours, keep in mind that taking breaks is very important for preventing blood clots. Stretch a little, even if it is just moving your toes for a couple of minutes. Make it a habit to take a walk every few hours and simply let your body change position. It will improve blood flow which prevents the formation of clots. If you are lying in bed because of any other condition, at least do a slight massage of your feet, if possible.

6. Watch your diet
Nutrition is very important for people who are at risk of developing DVT. It is necessary to avoid or completely exclude sodium and unhealthy fats. Also, consuming sugar and the food that has been processed have a negative effect on the overall health. Instead, opt for some healthier choices such as whole grains and sources of low-fat protein. The portions are also important, so eat smaller portions, but regularly so you can maintain the stable values in your blood. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to enjoy a snack from time to time, but it should be reduced to a minimum.
7. Enjoy a glass of wine occasionally
Wine increases HDL, which is known also as good cholesterol. There were some studies that researched the impact that alcohol, in general, has on the overall health and it showed that it acted as a blood thinner in a way that prevented the formation of blood clots. Moderation is the key just like with everything else. Drinking too much can lead to complications, but a glass here and there will have beneficial effects.

8. Drink plenty of water
Proper hydration is important for being healthy. It is necessary to have a glass of water every few hours even if you don’t feel thirsty because water helps transfer the nutrients throughout the body and helps maintain the health of the veins and the proper circulation. One general recommendation is to consume 2 liters per day. It is the optimum quantity for preventing major health issues. Older people are more prone to dehydration because of the natural drop in hormones that occurs with age.
These were a few general tips for preventing the formation of blood clots. It is necessary to make some changes in your daily routine to support your health in the proper way. If you have any doubts or you notice symptoms appearing, consult with your doctor about the proper cause of action. It is just important to say that in case of any swelling in your legs, change of color of your veins, pain, warmth, and tenderness when you touch it, you need to go see a doctor immediately because that may mean that a clot has already formed and that you need to start taking medications. Hesitating to go to the hospital can have serious consequences.