All the media, and especially the mass media – have left and still leave a certain mark in the individual and social life of people. However, the existence, action, use, and misuse of television – have the significance of the civilization seal. The seal by which the epoch of the transition of the second to the third millennium – will be recognized in the distant future. Especially since the development of television in the technical-technological sense has not yet been completed. So we don’t have to ask ourselves much what is the importance of television. Nevertheless, in the text in front of you – we will highlight some of its greatest features and qualities.

The Birth Of Television
TV is a medium whose creation is attached to the mid-1920s. Right up ’til the present time, it has changed its forms, the way it is introduced – as well as the structures in which we can follow this medium. Do you know how it came about? The primary authentic transmission of picture and sound was made by J. L. Byrd in London – by moving an image of a doll from the upper room, through a mounted receiver, to a shop on the ground floor. Along these lines, the TV was conceived, on April 25, 1925. However, this was just the start. In a very short time, TV has opened up for its commercial purposes. After World War II, it turned out to be progressively popular in the United States and Great Britain, and the TV set gradually turned into a key item of each home. During the fifties, the TV turned into the essential mechanism for data and amusement. Those were the Golden Years of TV.

The First Television Networks
Two years after the first transmission of the image – the first recording system on television took place. Shortly afterward, the NBC TV network was established – and on April 7, 1927 the speech of US Secretary Herbert Hoover was broadcast 320 kilometers away. That was officially the first broadcast in the history of this medium. A year later, W2XB TV station was established in NYC, followed by CBS. Two years later – BBC television was founded in Great Britain – which in 1929 began its regular program.

The First Interesting Live Broadcasts
The crowning of Queen Elizabeth on June 2, 1953, was the occasion and also the first live broadcast on British television. In June 1980, CNN launched the world’s first news program that broadcast news 24 hours a day – and nine years later Sky News did the same thing. The Summer Olympics held in Berlin in 1936, was the first Olympic Games to be broadcast live. In March 1953, the Oscar ceremony received its live broadcast – and in 1966 the first technicolor broadcast. The Beatles first performed live in 1964, and in 1967 the band The Doors performed on The Ed Sullivan Show. It was the show where Jim Morrison made an incident by uttering the inadequate words of the song Light My Fire.

Development Of Modern Television
The combination of images and words has led to television becoming the most powerful means of advertising. In this way, television became commercialized by ensuring that the message was transmitted to the broad masses of the people – all with a combination of image and sound. Over time, it has become a powerful marketing weapon, but it has also provided us with a handful of good entertainment and new formats.

TV Signal Improvement
We used to watch only news and broadcasts on television. Later, came movies and series. Nowadays, in the abundance of channels, we can enjoy almost everything – from news, through science shows, sports, movies, music, series, to reality shows. Today, we can watch almost anything thanks to the development of modern technology. This includes a large number of services of cable and satellite operators. Satellite dishes are springing up all over the world, and their advantage is that they can function in any part of the world – literally in the desert if you want. You can find out more about this on this site. On the other hand, there are cable providers. However, the era of modern television has brought us something new – digital TV.

72 Hours Advantage
With the transition from analog to a digital signal, a television era has ended. The quality of images and tones has improved, as well as the way we consume TV content. We believe that John Logie Baird could not even imagine the extent to which this technology will develop in the future. We are witnessing a time when the development of television reached unprecedented proportions and, of course – all this significantly influenced the fact that the original habits of watching television programs changed to a great extent. The advantage that, among other things, digital television has brought is the advanced functionality that enables rewinding of content. So today it is possible to watch a show that was broadcast in the previous 72 hours, and which we missed for some reason or want to watch again.

Benefits Of IPTV
Technology is advancing very fast and we can’t even imagine what else might be invented that will make our lives easier soon. When we just take a look back at the period 20 years ago – it seems so distant and so old-fashioned compared to all the advantages we have today. The Internet has brought about a revolution and changed our lives in incredible ways. Only those who lived in a time without the Internet can be aware of that. However, from this point of view, it all seems unthinkable – especially to the younger generations who have never lived without the Internet and a telephone. Therefore, another advantage of the new age is IPTV, – that is, television over the Internet.

The Future Of Television
Some critics describe this future as a battle between the internet and TV. However, the most likely future is one where different technologies will exist at the same time – but will jointly participate in content, software, and infrastructure. Therefore, it is very likely that the whole notion of television, as a medium as we know it today – will change radically in the near future.