Even if you take great care of the food you eat and always try to eat healthily, surely you cheat from time to time. A lot of gatherings revolve around food, so sometimes, it is almost impossible to follow your diet. How can you go to a birthday party and not try the cake, or go to a wedding and not drink any alcohol?
Yes, we have all been there, and the best thing that you can do for your body is to drink a detox beverage the next day. This isn’t only going to help you with the weight loss process, but it is also going to help your body get rid of all the toxins and get back on the right track.
When it comes to detox beverages, there are so many that you can choose between everything from juices and smoothies to tea and some specially created drinks. If you are not sure what path to take, keep reading this article because we are going to provide you with multiple suggestions.
Morning cup of tea

The first thing that you can try out, and frankly, the most natural beverage you can have is a cup of freshly brewed tea in the morning. You should drink it first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up, and before you eat breakfast or drink any coffee. The best part is that you can go with any flavor you like, so you will not only help your body recover, but you will also create a great morning ritual. Our advice is to try the green tea simply because of all the vitamins and antioxidants that it includes.
Yes, we know that this can be quite a change if you are used to having coffee before you take anything else, but you should give the tea a try. Trust us, after a few days you will feel energized, and in addition, this cup of tea is a great method to boost up your weight loss program.
Detox water

Surely you know how important it is to increase the intake of water on a daily basis, but if you want to change it a notch, you should add some fresh ingredients to it, such as lemon and ginger. Don’t worry – this won’t make your water acidic, which can upset your stomach, especially if you drink it in the morning.
Just add a few slices of lemon, ginger, cucumber, or whatever you want, and leave it to sit for some time. This can be a great morning detox, or on the other hand, it can be a beverage that you will drink throughout the day.
Smoothie with chia seeds

If detox drinks aren’t really your thing, why not go with a smoothie? The great thing about these is that you can use whatever ingredients you want, whatever fruits or veggies you like, or just make a combination of them. If you want to go with something that is super healthy, naturally, spinach should be at the top of your list. On the contrary, you can go with bananas or strawberries if you want something that is going to boost the sugar levels in your blood and eliminate the cravings. Add some milk, and don’t forget to put in a tablespoon of chia seeds. Just mix everything in a blender and enjoy.
Oatmeal and cinnamon

When you hear the word “oatmeal” your mind probably goes to breakfast. This is understandable, since this is a perfect meal to start your day. Who doesn’t love a mix of oatmeal and fresh fruits? However, you can also use it to make a great detox drink. What are we talking about?
Put a teaspoon of oatmeal into a bowl and soak it up with hot water for about 2 to 3 hours. Then, strain it, and add cinnamon to the water, and that’s it. This might some like an odd beverage, but keep in mind that oats are rich in fivers and vitamins that will greatly improve the function of your liver as well as the digestive tract.
Cleansing products

Nowadays, there are numerous supplements and detox drinks that you can find in your local stores. Some of these are better than the others, which is why you have to be careful when choosing one and make sure to read the content of the drink.
Nevertheless, not only do these drinks come in multiple flavors, but there are also some that are created with a specific purpose. These can be quite beneficial if you are having some health issues, and want to try to resolve them without pharmaceutical. On the MedSignals website, you can learn more about High Voltage Detox and what it is as well as some other ways to detoxify your body.
Probiotic supplements

While on the subject of supplements, you should really consider taking these. When we eat different types of food, especially if we try to eat fresh ingredients and then eat something that is unhealthy and contains a lot of sodium and sugar, we run the risk of disturbing our digestive tract.
In order to prevent any issues from happening, you should also try to take enough of probiotic supplements. These will take care of the good bacteria in your guts, and therefore, you won’t experience any problems when you go off the track for a little bit.
Once again, there are multiple products on the market that you can try out. On the other note, if you want to go with some natural, and generally speaking, if you try to avoid ingesting everything that you can’t prepare on your own, you should go with kefir or Greek yogurt that are rich in fiber.
To sum up, these are only some of the multiple detox drinks that you can try out. We have tried to suggest some that are completely natural, but also some that you can purchase in the store that will still do wonders for you.
Finally, don’t forget to get enough sleep and try to exercise as often as possible. Unfortunately, a detox drink cannot improve your health on its own, meaning that you might have to change your everyday habit altogether.